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ATP 256 Physical Activity Influence in Nutritional Demands Worksheet

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ATP256 Name____________________________________
Purpose of this assignment: Explain how changes in the type and intensity of physical activity
influence energy and nutritional demands.
Lynzi is a 30 year old female, 158lb distance runner who is training for the upcoming Disney marathon in
California. This involves 1-3 hours of running at various intensities 4-5 days/week. The most she would
train is 12 hours total in a week. Her long runs usually occur on Saturday mornings. She has been
struggling with her performance lately and describes a lack of energy for training runs associated with
unintended weight loss. Her family and medical history questionnaires have no significant findings. She
schedules an appointment with you for a nutritional consultation in order to get back on track with her
1. What energy system is primarily utilized during Linzie’s training and competition?
Aerobic energy system
2. Estimate her total energy needs utilizing the formula from table 12.1 in your textbook.
2910 calories a day
3. Calculate Lynzi’s carbohydrate needs during her marathon training. (see page 335)
4. Calculate Lynzi’s protein needs during her marathon training. (see pg. 341)
372 calories of protein per day
13% of total calories is coming from proteins
5. Should carbohydrates be consumed prior to endurance activities? If so, describe the current
recommendations and provide a sample meal for Lynzi. (see pg. 337)
2 cups of raisin bran with skim milk and a banana
6. How much and what type of energy intake should Lynzi consume during her long training runs?
30-60 grams of carbs per hour
6-8% of a carb solution in whatever food or drink she’s intaking
7. Describe post activity food intake in terms of types and amounts that will provide Lynzi with the
necessary resources to recover from her training regimen.
1-1.2 grams per kilogram of body weight every hour for four hours
35 grams of carbs & 15-25 grams of protein within 30 minutes
You’ve requested that Lynzi weigh herself before and after her training to identify fluid loss during
exercise. She reports back to you that on average she consumes 24oz of water during a 2 hour run and
loses 3 lbs.
8. Determine the fluid equivalent, in ounces, of the total weight lost during exercise.
3lbsx20oz=60 ounces
9. Determine the actual fluid needs during an identical training session.
60oz+24=84 ounces
10. Determine the number of fluid ounces needed per hour of exercise.
11. Would you recommend that Lynzi drinks water, a sports beverage, or a combination? Defend
your response with a clear explanation.

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ATP256 Name____________________________________ Purpose of this assignment: Explain how changes in the type and intensity of physical activity influence energy and nutritional demands. Lynzi is a 30 year old female, 158lb distance runner who is training for the upcoming Disney marathon in California. This involves 1-3 hours of running at various intensities 4-5 days/week. The most she would train is 12 hours total in a week. Her long runs usually occur on Saturday mornings. She has been struggling with her performance lately and describes a lack of energy for training runs associated with ...
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Really helpful material, saved me a great deal of time.


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