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CJA 365 Public vs Business Budget Strategies Paper

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PUBLIC vs. Business Budget Strategies
Diana Easley
Public vs. Business Budget Strategies
CJA/365 Budget, Finance and Planning
Jack McClelland
July 8, 2020

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PUBLIC vs. Business Budget Strategies 2
Introduction to budget preparation
The budget has been in the organization human economic since the time of ancient
cultures as evidenced by the fact that the Egyptians were estimated to predict the results of their
wheat crops in order to prevent years of scarcity; and that the Romans estimated the possibilities
of payment of the conquered towns to demand the corresponding tribute. There are many
advantages provided by the preparation of a good budget, however, for this, queries to the
different areas of the company such as the area of sale, collections, purchase, etc., and
comparisons of others must be taken into account. Companies such as economic statements.
Likewise, discussions in the different areas of the market and its development according to
statistics, economic and financial temptations, and according to the regulations in force in the
country where the company resides.
It is also important to add that each budget must be prepared by a professional in this area
such as economists, managers, etc. and then to be permitted, it must be reread by the company's
financial manager. Expenses are all expenses and payments that are made month by month. To
prepare the budget, it is necessary to identify the fixed expenses of the month, such as rent,
education, etc. Also, the variables, distinguishing the ones you pay every month from the
extraordinary ones. The use of credit cards or loans is common in families. It is necessary to
detail the installments of the credits that are being paid. This may include expenses on credit
cards, your home or vehicle loan fee, or other debts. It is advisable that the budget does not cover
too long a period since not all the conditions that may affect it can be foreseen. For many
companies, an annual budget is prepared, which is made up of the sum of 4 quarterly budgets.
Separately, the first quarterly budget is analyzed, which consists of three-monthly budgets. It is

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PUBLIC vs. Business Budget Strategies Diana Easley Public vs. Business Budget Strategies CJA/365 Budget, Finance and Planning Jack McClelland July 8, 2020 PUBLIC vs. Business Budget Strategies 2 Introduction to budget preparation The budget has been in the organization human economic since the time of ancient cultures as evidenced by the fact that the Egyptians were estimated to predict the results of their wheat crops in order to prevent years of scarcity; and that the Romans estimated the possibilities of payment of the conquered towns to demand the corresponding tribute. There are many advantages provided by the preparation of a good budget, however, for this, queries to the different areas of the company such as the area of sale, collections, purchase, etc., and comparisons of others must be taken into account. Companies such as economic statements. Likewise, discussions in the different areas of the market and its development according to statistics, economic and financial temptations, and according to the regulations in force in the country where the company resides. It is also important to add that each budget must be prepared by a professional in this area such as economists, managers, etc. and then to be permitted, it must be reread by the company's financial manager. Expenses are all expenses and payments that are made month by month. To prepare the budget, it is necessary to identify the fixed expenses of the month, such as rent, education, etc. Also, the vari ...
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