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Misconceptions About Addictions Paper

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I do think that some people do have the potential to be able to quit drinking on their own,
but I do not think that they can stop forever without some sort of help. I do also think that it
depends on the person and how severe their drinking is. I am actually going to use my husband
as an example in this. My husband is an alcoholic, he goes through spurts of drinking every day
for months at a time, he is very violent during these times, and says that he does not have a
problem with drinking and can stop at any time. In my experience with this, I often have to put
my foot down and tell him that his behavior is inappropriate in front of the kids and his drinking
needs to stop or he will have to leave. I offer him help in any way that I can by letting him know
what options are available for treatment, he always says that he doesn’t need help because if he
was actually an alcoholic he would not be able to stop on his own, and he will stop drinking, for
a month or two before he starts drinking again and the process starts all over. Alcohol-
dependent individuals are often torn between relapse and sobriety. They have to go through a
strenuous Turning Point experience to dry out permanently. It is necessary to be aware that once
drinking becomes a habit, it is extremely difficult to overcome. Three Influencing Factors are
high-risk situations--self-testing for abstinence effects, the struggle against physical and
psychological dependence and external temptation--have to be stressed” (Yeh, Che, Wu., 2009).
What I am understanding is that, alcoholics can stop drinking on their own, but continued
sobriety requires help through some type of treatment plan.
With everything that I have already learned about marijuana, I do believe that marijuana
is addicting. Marijuana has been proven to not be as addicting as other drugs, but it does have
addictive qualities. “Adults seeking treatment for marijuana abuse or dependence average more
than 10 years of near-daily use and more than six serious attempts at quitting. Most perceive
themselves as unable to stop, and most experience a withdrawal syndrome upon cessation

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I do think that some people do have the potential to be able to quit drinking on their own, but I do not think that they can stop forever without some sort of help. I do also think that it depends on the person and how severe their drinking is. I am actually going to use my husband as an example in this. My husband is an alcoholic, he goes through spurts of drinking every day for months at a time, he is very violent during these times, and says that he does not have a problem with drinking and can stop at any time. In my experience with this, I often have to put my foot down and tell him that ...
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