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ENGL 101 Air Force Major Charged in Death of Wife Paper

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Air Force major charged in death of wife after body is found.
For the family and friends of Andreen McDonald, July 15, 2019, will become a

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reminder of the day they lost their daughter and friend. The New York Day News
covered the story of Air Force major Andre McDonald and the murder of his wife.
Major McDonald, said his wife went missing on March 1st, she did not show up for
work her husband claims she was at a nearby hospital for treatment, he could not
provide further information (Boroff, 2019).
The search for her body would take four months before the CID (Criminal
Investigation Division) and Bear County Texas Sheriff’s Office would find her.
Andreen McDonald’s body was found just east of San Antonio, Texas, near the Joint
Base San Antonio-Camp Bullis. Authorities believe that their autistic daughter may
have been present when Major McDonald burned his wife. Several of Andreen
McDonald friends stated, if something ever happened to her or if she went missing,
Andre did it. Major McDonald's bail set to $2 million and he is currently in the Bexar
County jail for the murder of his wife (Boroff, 2019).
During the investigation blood and hair, fibers were found at the McDonald home,
authorizes confirm, McDonald purchased items such as an ax, gasoline, shovel, and a
burn barrel to burn the body. During the investigation blood and hair, fibers were
found at the McDonald home, authorizes confirm, he purchased an ax, gasoline,
shovel, and a burn barrel for the body (Boroff, 2019).
The Uniform Code of Military Justice (UCMJ) enforces both on and off-post for the
duration of military service. Air Force major McDonald will be prosecuted by a
military court-martial and assigned a military justice attorney. Major McDonald
violates UCMJ Articles 118 and under clauses 1 or 4. Article 118, relates to murder
and is not limited to:

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Air Force major charged in death of wife after body is found. For the family and friends of Andreen McDonald, July 15, 2019, will become a reminder of the day they lost their daughter and friend. The New York Day News covered the story of Air Force major Andre McDonald and the murder of his wife. Major McDonald, said his wife went missing on March 1st, she did not show up for work her husband claims she was at a nearby hospital for treatment, he could not provide further information (Boroff, 2019). The search for her body would take four months before the CID (Criminal Investigation Division) and Bear County Texas Sheriff’s Office would find her. Andreen McDonald’s body was found just east of San Antonio, Texas, near the Joint Base San Antonio-Camp Bullis. Authorities believe that their autistic daughter may have been present when Major McDonald burned his wife. Several of Andreen McDonald friends stated, if something ever happened to her or if she went missing, Andre did it. Major McDonald's bail set to $2 million and he is currently in the Bexar County jail for the murder of his wife (Boroff, 2019). During the investigation blood and hair, fibers were found at the McDonald home, authorizes confirm, McDonald purchased items such as an ax, gasoline, shovel, and a burn barrel to burn the body. During the investigation blood and hair, fibers were found at the McDonald home, authorizes confirm, he purchased an ax, gasoline, shovel, and a burn barrel for the body (Boroff, ...
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Very useful material for studying!


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