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ART 101 How We Love Art to Death Paper

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How We Love Art to Death
Art 101: History of Western Art

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One cannot simplify art’s value by the use of words. Art of all types provides us with a deeper
understanding of history. It allows us an inside look at how different cultures throughout
history lived, their beliefs as well as worshipped identities and their culture. We can then
understand how to preserve this history of multiple communities and their differences. Art
records our experiences and lives throughout time. We need to preserve art, artifacts and other
documents to understand history, learn from the past and honor all who involved. Due to the
lack of education training or a natural process, one can destroy or harm art artifacts and
historical documents like tablets or scrolls. It is vital during the digging or recovery process to
property recover the art or historical items. As time progresses all forms of art are affected due
to the elements in which the at resides, this also includes natural disasters. If the looters
continue to unearth and extract buried artifacts, it’s is possible to lose the art and its history
(Howard, 2019) (Andrews, 2003).
Through art and culture, we can influence and change societies opinions by the use of images,
stories, and dance. Protecting and preserving art is important as it will tell our stories for
hundreds of years. When art is maintained, it preserves the historical truth for future
generations. It is important during times of restoration to properly clean and handles all art as
to not to destroy it or disrupt its integrity (Howard, 2019). After reading, After the War: Culture;
Global Network Speeds Plunder of Iraqi Antiquities, I realized the immense impact and lack of
respect for the dig sites in Iraq after the war. It pains me to know that the people of Iraq were
forced to dig their history from the ground without proper knowledge and are forced to sell
these valuable treasures at whatever cast just to feed their families because of Mr. Hussein. At
least the American and Iraq's recovered 900 items previously stolen from museums that were

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How We Love Art to Death Art 101: History of Western Art One cannot simplify art’s value by the use of words. Art of all types provides us with a deeper understanding of history. It allows us an inside look at how different cultures throughout history lived, their beliefs as well as worshipped identities and their culture. We can then understand how to preserve this history of multiple communities and their differences. Art records our experiences and lives throughout time. We need to preserve art, artifacts and other documents to understand history, learn from the past and honor all who involved. Due to the lack of education training or a natural process, one can destroy or harm art artifacts and historical documents like tablets or scrolls. It is vital during the digging or recovery process to property recover the art or historical items. As time progresses all forms of art are affected due to the elements in which the at resides, this also includes natural disasters. If the looters continue to unearth and extract buried artifacts, it’s is possible to lose the art and its history (Howard, 2019) (Andrews, 2003). Through art and culture, we can influence and change societies ...
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