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CHM 1045 Broward College MacGyver Special Myth Busters Paper

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broward college
Analytical Review
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Maldonado 1 Ayanna Maldonado Professor Roy Pocknee CHM 1045 May 26, 2020 The Show and Episode I chose was from Myth Busters, the “MacGyver Special,” Episode 100. Hosts Jamie Hyneman and Adam Savage paid tribute to the MacGyver series, which was from (1985-1992), about a genius agent who could get out of any situation with just household items. So, Jamie and Adam had a competition in a MacGyver challenge, where they would have to escape from a locked room without any tools. And other myths resolved in the episode included Could a man-sized hole be blown into a wall from a gram of sodium reacting with water? Could MacGyver really have built an airplane from bamboo, trash bags, duct tape and a cement mixer? I was amazing to see in the modern age, someone in a similar situation as MacGyver to escape, and they did, but it most definitely took a much longer amount of time then MacGyer woul ...
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