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GB 560M1 PUG Business Process Optimization Paper

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Purdue University Global
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Katie Callahan
Business Process Optimization

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Wayne County Airport Authority (WCAA or Airport Authority) is the Authority running
Detroit Metropolitan Airport and Willow Run Airport. Detroit Metropolitan Airport (DTW)
resides in Romulus Michigan about 15 miles west of Detroit while Willow Run Airport (YIP)
resides in multiple jurisdictions including Ypsilanti township and Van Buren Charter Township.
The Airport Authority employees nearly 800 employees in multiple departments, CEO office,
Legal, Human Resources, Technology Services, External Affairs, Maintenance, Public Safety,
Business Development and Real Estate, Planning Design and Construction, Procurement,
Internal Audit, Environmental, Airfield Operations, Controllers, Financial Planning and analysis
and strategy. Within these departments there are sub departments for example Business
Development and Real Estate has Permits underneath and Legal has Business Diversity Unit. It
is a diverse place to work with different backgrounds of experience. Some employees maintain a
more progressive corporate work environment while others choose to maintain the more
traditional corporate work style. The Airport Authority’s mission is to operate a safe secure
airport, wanting travel and the facilities to be clean, safe and accessible to customers. Offering
The Airport Authority needs to identify and change the process of working with our
Marketing Agreement Partners. These Marketing Partners help market the airport for
development and drives both consumers and industry leaders to use these airports. The current
agreements are fairly straight forward, WCAA gives each marketing partner an allotted amount
of funds to be used on marketing. The current agreements state that per FAA regulations all
funds paid to these establishments must only be spent for the benefit of the airport. It is a federal
law that when an airport receives federal grants that any revenue received from things like
landing fees must be used to benefit the airport only so it can be self-sustaining. If the airport
does not comply it is revenue diversion. That means the airport must be able to directly correlate

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Katie Callahan Business Process Optimization GB560M1 Wayne County Airport Authority (WCAA or Airport Authority) is the Authority running Detroit Metropolitan Airport and Willow Run Airport. Detroit Metropolitan Airport (DTW) resides in Romulus Michigan about 15 miles west of Detroit while Willow Run Airport (YIP) resides in multiple jurisdictions including Ypsilanti township and Van Buren Charter Township. The Airport Authority employees nearly 800 employees in multiple departments, CEO office, Legal, Human Resources, Technology Services, External Affairs, Maintenance, Public Safety, Business Development and Real Estate, Planning Design and Construction, Procurement, Internal Audit, Environmental, Airfield Operations, Controllers, Financial Planning and analysis and strategy. Within these departments there are sub departments for example Business Development and Real Estate has Permits underneath and Legal has Business Diversity Unit. It is a diverse place to work with different backgrounds of experience. Some employees maintain a more progressive corporate work environment while others choose to maintain the more traditional corporate work style. The Airport Authority’s mission is to operate a safe secure airport, wanting travel and the facilities to be clean, safe and accessible to customers. Offering The Airport Authority needs to identify and change the process of working with our Marketing Agreement Partners. These Marketing Partners help market the airport for devel ...
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