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GB 570M3 PUG Globalization and The Value Chain Paper

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Purdue University Global
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Katie Callahan
Globalization and the Value Chain

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Biggby Coffee is an American coffeehouse chain that is based out of Lansing, Michigan.
It was founded in 1995 and makes custom coffee drinks and has a small menu of food items.
Biggby Coffee has stores across ten states including Michigan, Ohio. Kentucky, South Carolina,
Texas, Wisconsin and Indiana. Franchising is available with this company giving them a greater
opportunity for growth. In addition, the company offers in grocery stores and some
convenience stores the option to purchase K-cups, coffee grounds and cold coffee options. This
helps the company with expansion and offers their product throughout the country rather than
just the states that have a coffeehouse.
The globalization that is being considered for Biggby Coffee is to offer their store
product in European countries. This is the best way to see if the company is able to see its
product in another country and if sales are stable they can consider opening coffee shops in the
regions with the highest sales. With transitioning sales to Europe could cause some changes
throughout the value chain, below are the possible changes for each aspect of the value chain.
To expand internationally funds need to be available to support the venture. The
additional funding is not only inclusive of product but other services needed to expand.
Consideration of travel, translator if needed, tax codes and packaging regulations to name a
few should also be allotted for when planning the budget.
Competitive Advantage
International expansion will give Biggby Coffee an advantage over the coffee shops that
are only available in the United States. Giving the company access to new customers.
Corporate Social Responsibility

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GLOBALIZATION AND THE VALUE CHAIN 1 Katie Callahan GB570M3 Globalization and the Value Chain GLOBALIZATION AND THE VALUE CHAIN 2 Biggby Coffee is an American coffeehouse chain that is based out of Lansing, Michigan. It was founded in 1995 and makes custom coffee drinks and has a small menu of food items. Biggby Coffee has stores across ten states including Michigan, Ohio. Kentucky, South Carolina, Texas, Wisconsin and Indiana. Franchising is available with this company giving them a greater opportunity for growth. In addition, the company offers in grocery stores and some convenience stores the option to purchase K-cups, coffee grounds and cold coffee options. This helps the company with expansion and offers their product throughout the country rather than just the states that have a coffeehouse. The globalization that is being considered for Biggby Coffee is to offer their store product in European countries. This is the best way to see if the company is able to see its product in another country and if sales are stable they can consider opening coffee shops in the regions with the highest sales. With transitioning sales to Europe could cause some changes throughout the value chain, below are the possible changes for each aspect of the value chain. Budgeting To expand internationally funds need to be available to support the venture. The additional funding is not only inclusive of product but other services needed to expand. Consideration of travel, translator if neede ...
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