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Basic Skills In Counseling And Interviewing

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University of Miami
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Journal Paper #2 Reflection
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Journal Paper #2 Reflection Reflecting on Helping Skills
Briefly describe what happened during the in-class activity with you as a helper.
As a helper during the in-class activity, I learned the fundamentals of counseling that
helped me engage well when assisting. During the session, we were there to assist our clients in
learning how to take care of themselves. Through the use of counseling techniques, I helped
clients better utilize their inherent human potential, either now or in the future. During the
session, I learned how to give my clients a sense of belonging and acceptance. To achieve this
goal, I had to learn how to effectively listen to clients, understand their viewpoints, and
demonstrate to them that they had been heard. Improved listening and comprehension of clients
were the outcomes of the training session. Having good listening abilities, as well as being able
to comfort, reduce pain, and heal psychological wounds is vital for helpers to be able to be
sounding boards for going forward.
What went well? What did you specifically do well during the session? What skills did you
As a helper, I was able to enter the client's world and genuinely comprehend how they
were feeling during the session. As a result, they came away from our conversation with the
impression that I fully understood what they were going through. For this, I used paraphrase and
summarization, feeding back what my client had just told me in a more concise and clearer form
than they had originally communicated to me. As a result, clients felt comfortable disclosing
intimate facts about their personal lives and current circumstances. As a result, the client is
vulnerable to the helper's behavior because of the power imbalance. Seeing the power dynamics
of helping made it evident to me that the helper has a responsibility to utilize that power in a way

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Running head: JOURNAL PAPER #2 REFLECTION Journal Paper #2 Reflection Student’s Name Institutional Affiliation 1 JOURNAL PAPER #2 REFLECTION 2 Journal Paper #2 Reflection – Reflecting on Helping Skills Briefly describe what happened during the in-class activity with you as a helper. As a helper during the in-class activity, I learned the fundamentals of counseling that helped me engage well when assisting. During the session, we were there to assist our clients in learning how to take care of themselves. Through the use of counseling techniques, I helped clients better utilize their inherent human potential, either now or in the future. During the session, I learned how to give my clients a sense of belonging and acceptance. To achieve this goal, I had to learn how to effectively listen to clients, understand their viewpoints, and demonstrate to them that they had been heard. Improved listening and comprehension of clients were the outcomes of the training session. Having good listening abilities, as well as being able to comfort, reduce pain, and heal psychological wounds is vital for helpers to be able to be sounding boards for going forward. What went well? What did y ...
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Excellent! Definitely coming back for more study materials.
