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California Campaign Finance Reform Analysis

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Political Science
Analytical Review
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California Campaign Finance Reform
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California Campaign Finance Reform 2
California Campaign Finance Reform
Campaigning finances in California are regulated by the federal government so as to
ensure that ultimate democracy is met in the election process. In the united states, voting is a
democracy where individuals express their will to vote for a candidate of their choice. This a
clear description of everyone's voice been heard and represented. But this democracy has been a
challenge since money has been used to influence the choice of an individual Norris & Van
(2016). The money has brought corruption in the political world. In the State of California, the
Supreme Court has expanded the ability of wealthy individuals, corporations, and groups to
spend as much as they wish to influence elections. This has been achieved through numerous
financial reforms.
Political finance reform is an effort of the government to control the use of money to
influence the decision of legislature or executive position. The finance fueling this is generated
from multiple sources such the political parties, political action committees, and charitable
organizations. In the united states, campaign finance is the funding of electoral campaigns at the
federal, state, and locals. At national levels, campaign finance law is enacted and enforced by an
independent agency called the federal election Commission (FEC). this agency regulates the
finances and also discloses the finance information. It also imposes limits of contributions to
campaigns and oversees public funding Norris & Van (2016). As far as the federal electoral
commission sets contribution limits and manages national election campaigns, individual states
set and enforce their standards. This regulation varies by state.
California state in the United States is with its regulations, contributions limits, and third-
party activities to influence its elections. In this state, there is an existing system in place that
manages and regulates the finances. The contributions are the payments cash or purchasing of

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Running head: California Campaign Finance Reform California Campaign Finance Reform Institutional Affiliation Student Name Date 1 California Campaign Finance Reform 2 California Campaign Finance Reform Campaigning finances in California are regulated by the federal government so as to ensure that ultimate democracy is met in the election process. In the united states, voting is a democracy where individuals express their will to vote for a candidate of their choice. This a clear description of everyone's voice been heard and represented. But this democracy has been a challenge since money has been used to influence the choice of an individual Norris & Van (2016). The money has brought corruption in the political world. In the State of California, the Supreme Court has expanded the ability of wealthy individuals, corporations, and groups to spend as much as they wish to influence elections. This has been achieved through numerous financial reforms. Political finance reform is an effort of the government to control the use of money to influence the decision of legislature or executive position. The finance fueling this is generated from multiple sources such the political parties, political action committees, and charitable organizations. In the united states, campaign finance is the funding of electoral campaigns at the federal, state, and locals. At national levels, campaign finance law is enacted and enforced by an independent agency called the federal election Commiss ...
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