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Comparing and Contrasting the US and Texas Constitutions

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Political Science
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Comparing and Contrasting the US and Texas Constitutions
Student’s Nme
Institutional Affiliation

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The US and Texas Constitutions
Texas is a state that is part of the united states and is governed by two constitutions
that is, the state laws and the federal constitution. The federal constitution of the United
States is created, enacted and can be amended only by the federal government while the
Texas constitution is established, adopted and can be modified by the state’s government.
Under federalism, the United states Constitution indicates the kind of powers that are
exercised by the federal government. Ideally, the constitution gives details on the structure
and power limits of both the federal and state governments Wilson (2017). On the other hand,
the Texas constitution mainly identifies the role played by the state government as well as the
rights and responsibilities of the citizens in Texas. As such, the highest law of the state is the
constitution of Texas, which is also subject to the United States Constitution and federal laws.
The primary similarity in the two constitutions is that both are of a bicameral
legislature, which is a government body for law-making and mainly consists of two houses,
that are, the senate-house and house of representatives. These two houses make up the
Congress of the United States Jillson, (2017).. The bicameral legislature is an essential aspect
of nations worldwide. Its main aim is to offer a representative at the central and federal
government for the citizens of a nation, and the country’s different legislative bodies or other
political units. An excellent example is depicted in the two houses and how they embody the
interests of the people as well as that of the state government they represent. Ideally, the
bicameral legislature acts as enforcement to ensure that laws enacted are fair and just to its
citizens. Therefore, it provides efficacy in the system of checks as well as that of balances.
Both constitutions are made of the principle of representative democracy that allows
the citizens of the country to choose their leaders (Wilson 2017). It empowers the citizens
with the power of choosing who they have confidence in and will help in making the law.
The people have a voice in advocating for re-election in case they feel that the election was

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Running head: THE US AND TEXAS CONSTITUTIONS Comparing and Contrasting the US and Texas Constitutions Student’s Nme Institutional Affiliation 1 THE US AND TEXAS CONSTITUTIONS 2 The US and Texas Constitutions Texas is a state that is part of the united states and is governed by two constitutions that is, the state laws and the federal constitution. The federal constitution of the United States is created, enacted and can be amended only by the federal government while the Texas constitution is established, adopted and can be modified by the state’s government. Under federalism, the United states Constitution indicates the kind of powers that are exercised by the federal government. Ideally, the constitution gives details on the structure and power limits of both the federal and state governments Wilson (2017). On the other hand, the Texas constitution mainly identifies the role played by the state government as well as the rights and responsibilities of the citizens in Texas. As such, the highest law of the state is the constitution of Texas, which is also subject to the United States Constitution and federal laws. The primary similarity in the two constitutions is that both are of a bicameral legislature, which is a government body for law-making and mainly consists of two houses, that are, the senate-house and house of representatives. These two houses make up the Congress of the United States Jillson, (2017).. The bicameral legislature is an essential aspect of na ...
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