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Wonder Woman Movie Analysis

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Marilee Snyman
Class Session: Film Analysis 101-03, 2:30PM 5:20PM, Thursdays
Film: Wonder Woman (2007) - Screen Play: Allan Heinberg Director: Patty Jenkins.
The formal analysis I did was from the movie Wonder Woman. Wonder Woman
is about a young woman, Diana (Gal Gadot), a warrior princess of the Amazons, a
secluded paradise island, that meets a man, Steve (Chris Pine), after he crashed with
his plane on the island. Diana finds out that there is a war going on in the outside world
and realizes that she wants to help end the conflict. She leaves her home with Steve
and discovers the full extent of her powers and her destiny by helping Steve and the
British soldiers in the fight against the German soldiers and the god of destruction, Ares.
Wonder Woman’s implicit meaning is that only love can save the world.
The scene that I analyzed is where Diana, the protagonist, fights with the British
soldiers for the first time in No Man’s Land. The scene incorporated a lot of cinematic
language, ranging from dramatic music, movement, quick shots and camera angles to
portray the feeling of war and the power and strength that Diana holds. It translates the
self-realization and power of Wonder Woman.
Most of the scene is shot in cold blue, grey and black colors and darker lighting,
giving the scene a sense of darkness and heartache, just like a person would
experience a war zone. The sounds are of men screaming, ammunition being fired and

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dramatic music playing. The scene starts with a close-up shot of Diana’s face, showing
us how she is seeing and experiencing war for the first time. An extreme wide shot
follows, allowing the audience to experience the war on another scale than she is in that
moment. The shot goes back to Diana and the men, following them into the trenches,
again showing the audience what Diana is seeing for the first time. Inside the trenches,
the camera keeps moving conveying a sense of constant action that is related to a
battle. The camera comes to a stop when Diana starts interacting with a woman, giving
us time to experience the fear of this woman and to process what she is saying to Diana
about the slaves in the enemy’s trenches. After Diana looks at where the woman
pointed, the camera focuses back into Diana and Steve’s conversation. It allows us to
see the urgency of their conversation and marks an important character defining
moment for Diana, where she finally decides to do what is right no matter what. The
shot goes into slow motion, emphasizing to us that this is her moment and her decision.
The music slows down with the speed and is not as dramatic. After she puts on her
outfit accessories and a few moments of nobody speaking, the shot speeds up in order
to put the attention on what she says. “No, but it’s what I’m going to do.”
The shot goes back into slow motion focusing on her shield, gauntlets, boots and
the lasso of truth, showing us all these pieces that make up Wonder Woman. The next
camera angle is ground level, looking straight as Wonder Woman emerges from the
trenches, giving us the sense that she is rising above and standing up for what she
believes in. The shot goes back to Steve and the men, showing us their shocked
reactions to Diana stepping in the line of fire. After all the close ups of Diana, the
camera pulls out to a wide shot, showing Wonder Woman in a full body shot. The

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Marilee Snyman 10/10/2019 Class Session: Film Analysis 101-03, 2:30PM – 5:20PM, Thursdays Film: Wonder Woman (2007) - Screen Play: Allan Heinberg – Director: Patty Jenkins. The formal analysis I did was from the movie Wonder Woman. Wonder Woman is about a young woman, Diana (Gal Gadot), a warrior princess of the Amazons, a secluded paradise island, that meets a man, Steve (Chris Pine), after he crashed with his plane on the island. Diana finds out that there is a war going on in the outside world and realizes that she wants to help end the conflict. She leaves her home with Steve and discovers the full extent of her powers and her destiny by helping Steve and the British soldiers in the fight against the German soldiers and the god of destruction, Ares. Wonder Woman’s implicit meaning is that only love can save the world. The scene that I analyzed is where Diana, the protagonist, fights with the British soldiers for the first time in No Man’s Land. The scene incorporated a lot of cinematic language, ranging from dramatic music, movement, quick shots and camera angles to portray the feeling of war and the power and strength that Diana holds. It translates the self-realization and power of Wonder Woman. Most of the scene is shot in cold blue, grey and black colors and darker lighting, giving the scene a sense of darkness and heartache, just like a person would experience a war zone. The sounds are of men screaming, ammunition ...
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Just the thing I needed, saved me a lot of time.


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