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ENG 111 ITCC Food as An Environmental Threat Analysis

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Ivy tech community college
Analytical Review
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Is the Food we Eat a Threat to our Environment?
Erika Opperman
English 111
Ivy Tech Community College

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Is the Food we Eat a Threat to our Environment?
Mark Bittman is an established food journalist who gave an outstanding, humorous, yet
fierce TED Talk about “What is Wrong with What We Eat Today” (Bittman, 2007). In this talk, to
all Americans and to others who it might apply to, he makes it clear that we eat too much fast
foods and not enough plant-based foods. Thus, putting our bodies and planet at risk. Bittman
wrote an article called “Why Take Food So Seriously?” (Bittman, 2008), and it illuminates the
readers with a brief history lesson on America’s passion of food over the past decades. This
history lesson leads to where food is today’s social status and how it impacts not only
Americans, but the rest of the world. Bittman gives his TED Talk, What’s Wrong with What We
Eat” (Bittman, 2007), and takes the question head on by telling us why a “Western diet” has
become dangerous to our health. Not only does he go in depth with the various implications
this diet has on our ecosystem, he also tries to reach out to anyone eating this diet. By using the
rhetorical appeals of logos, pathos and ethos, he tries to help them recognize the obvious
health benefits of buying more local, natural foods.
Bittman appeals to his audience’s logic by highlighting the differences between needs
and wants as they pertain to a Western diet. Therefore, states that we consume more calories
on food products that we want but do not need, including “meat, dairy, and refined
carbohydrates”. Here Bittman makes it clear, it is not what our body necessarily needs, but
what we want. Bittman makes the connection between a Western diet and our health, linking
the different diseases and using facts to make it very clear that what we eat is not right. He says
the result of a Western diet is “lifestyle diseases,” like heart disease, diabetes, and stroke

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Running head: ENVIRONMENTAL THREATS Is the Food we Eat a Threat to our Environment? Erika Opperman English 111 Ivy Tech Community College 1 ENVIRONMENTAL THREATS 2 Is the Food we Eat a Threat to our Environment? Mark Bittman is an established food journalist who gave an outstanding, humorous, yet fierce TED Talk about “What is Wrong with What We Eat Today” (Bittman, 2007). In this talk, to all Americans and to others who it might apply to, he makes it clear that we eat too much fast foods and not enough plant-based foods. Thus, putting our bodies and planet at risk. Bittman wrote an article called “Why Take Food So Seriously?” (Bittman, 2008), and it illuminates the readers with a brief history lesson on America’s passion of food over the past decades. This history lesson leads to where food is today’s social status and how it impacts not only Americans, but the rest of the world. Bittman gives his TED Talk, “What’s Wrong with What We Eat” (Bittman, 2007), and takes the question head on by telling us why a “Western diet” has become dangerous to our health. Not only does he go in depth with the various implications this diet has on our ecosystem, he also tries to reach out to anyone eating this diet. By using the rhetorical appeals of logos, pathos and ethos, he tries to help them recognize the obvious health benefits of buying more local, natural foods. Bittman appeals to his audience’s logic by highlighting the differences between needs and want ...
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