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ELM 200 GCU Cognitive Development Table Worksheet

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Grand Canyon University
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Laura Iappini-Case
March 09, 2020
Professor Sell
Cognitive Development Table
Development Concept
Example that Could be
Observed in an
Elementary Classroom
Appropriate Learning
Sensorimotor stage
Observation of motor
skill development in
infants. This is stage
one of four. Begins
from infant age to age
of two.
An example could be a
child at this stage
touching different
textures and view the
child’s facial
An activity might be
watching a young child
tasting a lemon compared
to a hand full of dirt. The
child will usually pucker
when tasting the lemon
compared to spitting out
the dirt.
Preoperational stage
At this stage children
begin talking and
becoming more vocal.
At age two through age
seven. The child
begins to also develop
memory and
In a classroom a teacher
might encounter a
student mimicking or
talking in a different
voice while interacting a
book beginning read to
them. Using their
An activity might be
pretend play with other
child such as dress up or
even talking to themselves
playing with cars.

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imagination to act out
the characters in a book.
Concrete operations
At this stage children
begin to develop
concrete thoughts and
skills. From the age of
seven to age eleven.
Children are
increasingly aware of
their environment.
Children also begin to
recognize their own
thoughts and feelings.
Students should be able
to explain ideas using
examples. Students
should also be able to
sort objects and match
them to the appropriate
object shown.
An activity a teacher
might use in the
classroom to reinforce
learning to become
concrete might be a
picture bingo game. This
game can also be used as
a learning to for any
subject area such as
science, history, math, and
more. Word and picture
association also help
reinforce learning
Formal operations stage
Starting at age eleven
and on, children will
use logic to understand
symbols and objects
related to math,
science, history, and
more. Children also
can form and own their
concepts and
responsibilities. This is
the final stage of
Based off Concrete
Operational Stage will
incorporate the Formal
Operational Stage. At
this stage teachers
should be using problem
solving and scientific
An activity that the
students can conduct and
collaborate with each
other would be an
experiment on
combustion. Conducting
a science experiment as an
entire class in small
groups. This activity will
be conducted by a teacher
first and then the students
will follow the step by
step instructions on water
in a bottle then add tums
in it. Sit back and watch
what happens.

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Laura Iappini-Case ELM-200 March 09, 2020 Professor Sell Cognitive Development Table Piaget Cognitive Development Concept Definition Sensorimotor stage Observation of motor skill development in infants. This is stage one of four. Begins from infant age to age of two. Preoperational stage At this stage children begin talking and becoming more vocal. At age two through age seven. The child begins to also develop memory and imagination. Example that Could be Observed in an Elementary Classroom An example could be a child at this stage touching different textures and view the child’s facial expressions. Developmentally Appropriate Learning Activity An activity might be watching a young child tasting a lemon compared to a hand full of dirt. The child will usually pucker when tasting the lemon compared to spitting out the dirt. In a classroom a teacher An activity might be might encounter a pretend play with other student mimicking or child such as dress up or talking in a different even talking to themselves voice while interacting a playing with cars. book beginning read to them. Using their Concrete operations stage At this stage children begin to develop concrete thoughts and skills. From the age of seven to age eleven. Children are increasingly aware of their environment. Children also begin to recognize their own thoughts and feelings. Formal operations stage Starting at age eleven and on, children will use logic to understand symbols and objects related to ...
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