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ELM 200 GCU Personal and Social Development Scenarios Worksheet

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Grand Canyon University
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Laura Iappini-Case
Professor Katy Sell
April 06, 2020
*Please review the original assignment directions and rubric prior to submission. Don’t forget:
50-100 words per entire scenario response. It is fine to go over the maximum. Minimum of one
scholarly source per rationale for support.
Personal and Social Development Scenarios
Scenario 1
In an upcoming lesson in third grade, you will be addressing state standards related to listening
and speaking (e.g., gaining the floor in respectful ways, listening to others with care, speaking
one at a time about the topics and texts under discussion). How would you encourage
parents/guardians to support this standard outside of the classroom?
Strategies (within
your own
instruction at
This classroom strategy will be used to address personal and social
development. Improving listening skills and learning how and when to use
the students speaking skills for being successful in learning. Some
strategies that will be used in the classroom will be taking turns talking and
answering questions, raising hands and being kind and respectful to those
students that are talking.
Strategies (with
I would suggest to the parents to help promote this strategy would be at the
dinner table or even game night. Taking turns and talking about their days
or even their turn playing a game or doing a family puzzle. Being patient
and self-control will reinforce what is being taught in the classroom.
Method of
(i.e. phone, Remind,
conference in
person, newsletter,
The method of communication would be through a classroom newsletter.
Giving ideas to parents that are being reinforced in the classroom that can
be brought into the household. Newsletters in the appropriate language can
help reinforce the lessons being taught. In the newsletter provide an e-mail
address and ask for suggestions from the parents.
Rationale for
the Method of
(defend your type of
The rationale for this method of communication is to get everyone
involved and ideas for when the students are at home. A question and
answer portion of the newsletter is not just helpful for the parents but also
the teacher. If there is something the parent wants reinforcement with from
the house to the classroom. The teacher can work on a specific method
that might be helpful. (Spreeuwenberg, 2015).

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here. Research
support is required.)
Scenario 2
James, an African American student, is very successful in your class and has been on the honor
roll for the past three quarters. His family is concerned with his abilities to socialize with peers of
various cultural backgrounds. How can you support the families in your classroom in embracing
cultural identity’s role in a student’s personal and social development?
Strategies (within
your own
instruction at
In the classroom I could support James and his family by having him work
in groups to embrace social development. Since James is a good student
peer assistance would benefit him in group activities and projects. He
could also work as a mentor to others that are struggling in specific areas
which also will encourage socialism amongst peers.
Strategies (with
I would have James’ parent promote his social development by having a
study group or even have his friends come over for game night or to
socially play. I might even suggest that James join a team sport that he
might enjoy. This will also promote his social development through
interaction with other children his age. Even give James’ parents ideas of
the activities he enjoys doing at school.
Method of
(i.e. phone, Remind,
conference in
person, newsletter,
The appropriate method of communication I would use is a weekly phone
conversation after school. That will give both the parent and teacher
adequate time to speak on how James is doing both at school at home.
Seeing if James has improved in his social interactions after school and any
group activities he may have joined. As a teacher, we should always take
an interest in our students well-being.
Rationale for
the Method of
(defend your type of
here. Research
support is required.)
The rational for this method of communication is as a follow up and to see
how James is doing inside and outside of school. Letting the parent know
about his progress is important in social development of building
appropriate skills to interact not only socially but emotionally. (Ormrod &
Jones, 2018).
Scenario 3
Recently, a concerned parent brings to your attention that a poll was taken on social media, and
students in your class nominated Jenna as the “biggest loser.How can you best communicate
your school’s policy on cyberbullying, your plan to address the concern at school, and how can
parents address it in the home?
Strategies (within
your own
instruction at
A strategy that could be used about in the classroom would be a group
discussion on how cyberbullying is not tolerated in or outside of school.
Also, the consequences that could occur if a student or adult is caught
bullying another. Also, do a question and answer session. This will open a
dialogue in the classroom. Give different scenarios on cyberbullying and

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Laura Iappini-Case ELM-200 Professor Katy Sell April 06, 2020 *Please review the original assignment directions and rubric prior to submission. Don’t forget: 50-100 words per entire scenario response. It is fine to go over the maximum. Minimum of one scholarly source per rationale for support. Personal and Social Development Scenarios Scenario 1 In an upcoming lesson in third grade, you will be addressing state standards related to listening and speaking (e.g., gaining the floor in respectful ways, listening to others with care, speaking one at a time about the topics and texts under discussion). How would you encourage parents/guardians to support this standard outside of the classroom? Classroom This classroom strategy will be used to address personal and social Strategies (within development. Improving listening skills and learning how and when to use your own the students speaking skills for being successful in learning. Some instruction at strategies that will be used in the classroom will be taking turns talking and school) answering questions, raising hands and being kind and respectful to those students that are talking. Collaboration I would suggest to the parents to help promote this strategy would be at the Strategies (with dinner table or even game night. Taking turns and talking about their days parents) or even their turn playing a game or doing a family puzzle. Being patient and self-control will reinforce what is being taught in the classroom. Method of The ...
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