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ELM 200 GCU Motivation and Learning Analysis

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Grand Canyon University
Analytical Review
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Name: Laura Iappini-Case
Class: ELM-200
Date: April 20, 2020
Instructor: Professor Sell
All educators want to motivate their students. Finding what motivates their students are
key in becoming successful. Students want to be successful and knowledgeable about the
courses being taken in school. Fostering students voice-empowering our students to express their
opinions and influence their educational experiences, so they feel like they have a stack in the
outcomes. (Toshalis & Nakkula, 2012). The most powerful tool an educator controls is higher
learning and continual challenging students. Student engagement, motivation, and learning are
continually changing through the dynamics of all students. Educators are continually challenged
from students. Students are becoming thirsty for more information and knowledge. Performing
engaging and motivated activities give students choice, control and collaboration on their ideas
and thoughts.

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Student Motivation
Motivation comes from within that person or student. According to Maslow’s hierarchy,
self-determination theory that a student’s feels three basic needs are meet autonomy,
competency, or relatedness. (Ormrod & Jones, 2018). Student motivation come from goal setting
and wanting academic success and more out of their life. Vision boards are a great way that
students can express what motivates and how to achieve their goal. Webbing or mapping is
another way to express their goals, interests, and attributes which students motivate specific
beliefs about students’ capacities. Self-efficacy theory is that you can carry out specific tasks.
Positive learning environments can lead to a big impact on motivation.
Intrinsic and Extrinsic Motivation
Intrinsic motivation come from within, while extrinsic motivation comes from outside.
Students become intrinsically motivated when they are solely involved in an activity they really
enjoy performing and get personal satisfaction. An example would be a student in culinary class

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Name: Laura Iappini-Case Class: ELM-200 Date: April 20, 2020 Instructor: Professor Sell Motivation All educators want to motivate their students. Finding what motivates their students are key in becoming successful. Students want to be successful and knowledgeable about the courses being taken in school. Fostering students voice-empowering our students to express their opinions and influence their educational experiences, so they feel like they have a stack in the outcomes. (Toshalis & Nakkula, 2012). The most powerful tool an educator controls is higher learning and continual challenging students. Student engagement, motivation, and learning are continually changing through the dynamics of all students. Educators are continually challenged from students. Students are becoming thirsty for more information and knowledge. Performing engaging and motivated activities give students choice, control and collaboration on their ideas and thoughts. Student Motivation Motivation comes from within that person or student. According to Maslow’s hierarchy, self-determination theory that a student’s feels three basic needs are meet autonomy, competency, or relatedness. (Ormrod & Jones, 2018). Student motivation come from goal setting and wanting academic success and more out of their life. Vision boards are a great way that students can express what motivates and how to achieve their goal. Webbing or mapping is another way to express their goals, interests, and attributes which stud ...
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