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MTH 154 VCC Understand Proportionality Worksheet

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Virginias Community College
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Section 2.3 Proportionality Objective 1 – Understand Proportionality Objective 2 – Compute the Constant of Proportionality Objective 3: – Use Equations y  k  x Objective 1 – Understand Proportionality Key Terms Proportional or in proportion Summary In Chapter 1 we introduced the concept of relationships between inputs and outputs. In Chapter 2 we have introduced the basic idea of comparing the relative size of two quantities. Sometimes the two quantities we are comparing have a special relationship, doubling the size of one quantity necessitates a doubling of the size of other related quantity. The simplest example is the weight of water at 8 pounds per gallon. The weight will double if I double the volume (number of gallons): 2 gallons weigh 16 pounds and 3 gallons weigh 24 pounds. Contrast this with the number of gallons of water in your home and the number of soda cans. We can certainly compare the size of these quantities, and maybe get the ratio 2 gallons : 15 cans; but now doubling the number of gallons (buying two more gallons) does not mean we also have double the number of cans of soda, the quantities are not linked in this special way of doubling. Quantities that are linked in this special way of doubling one means the other also must double are said to be proportional. As you read, jot down notes and questions. At the end of this section’s Guided Worksheets there is a space for Reflection and Monitoring Your Understanding, where you can try and a ...
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