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ENG 1102 TU Poem Lysistrata Gilgamesh and The Illiad Response

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Troy University
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40 Points
In an essay of at least 270 words, discuss the similarities of two epic heroes we've read
about so far in class. Before you begin writing, you may want to think about the following:
What obstacles must they overcome?
What are their motivations?
Who supports them and why?
What are their weaknesses and strengths?
How do they interact with their families, their own people, and others?
Are they rewarded for their actions? If so, with what?
In your response, provide specific details from the reading. You must use MLA Style in-text
citations. For more information about MLA Style, see the Purdue Online Writing Lab
In the epic Gilgamesh, Gilgamesh was a hero who had many deeds to overcome and
complete. He overuses his power many times throughout the beginning of the play
therefore, Enkidu was created. Enkidu had an equal amount of power as Achilles, which we
learn after they fight. They become best friends and furthermore, they complete all of
Gilgamesh's deeds together and face anything else that the world or Goddesses through at
them. Enkidu explains Gilgamesh's power by saying "your strength surpasses the strength of
men" (Gilgamesh 114).
In the epic The Illiad, Achilles is described as strong and powerful. Achilles has to prove
his strength by getting with a woman and by being physically stronger than other men of
his town. Achilles' friend, Patroclus, is one person who was closest to Achilles and that is
who Achilles cared the most about. When the Trojan War began, Achilles decided to sit out
of the war which then leads to Patroclus being killed.
Both of these characters commonly have an issue with setting their pride to the side
when they need to. They both have few, specific people that they love and care the most
about. When their friend is hurt or dies, they become very furious. If they could have put
their pride and power aside, they may not have lost their friend(s) as soon as they did. For
instance, if Achilles would have fought in the Trojan War, instead of sending Patroclus in
wearing his armor, Hector may not have been able to kill him as easily as he did. Both
characters needed to learn to that they don't get to have everything happen their way and
things could have gone smoother for them. They had pride and power issues that got them
in trouble more times than not.

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Works Cited
"The Iliad." Literature Readings for ENG-201, pp. 50-
428. Gmc.mrooms,
G-201%20Required%20Literature%20Readings%202.pdf. Accessed July 5th, 2020.
"Gilgamesh." Literature Readings for ENG-201, pp. 2-
49. Gmc.mrooms,
201%20Required%20Literature%20Readings%202.pdf. Accessed July 5th, 2020.
20 Points
In an essay of at least 150 words, discuss the theme of one of the literary work we have read
so far. Provide specific examples from the reading.
In your response, provide specific details from the reading. You must use MLA Style in-text
citations. For more information about MLA Style, see the Purdue Online Writing Lab
There were many themes during the poem Lysistrata. One theme that stood out the most is
about perseverance and power. The women of Athens are commonly mistreated by the
men. The men overuse their strength and talk down on the women. They tend to only want
a clean house to live in, sex, and the children are taken care of. The men end up going to
war for many years. Lysistrata is tired of the men being at danger and worried about them
not coming home therefore she comes up with a way to end the war. She calls a meeting
with the women and explains that they need withhold sex from their husbands until they
sign a peace treaty to end the war. This is a form of perseverance because they know that
the men will try to be very demanding to try to have sex. They keep their word and do not
let it happen until the treaty is signed just as they wish. It had to be very difficult trying to
get their wants fulfilled seeing how the men were still constantly talking rudely to them even
though the women were doing it (mostly) out of care for their men to come home safely.
Works Cited
The Lysistrata. ENG 201: Week 4 Required Literature Reading, Georgia Military College,
Summer 2020, pp. 13-83.
40 Points
From the literary works we have covered so far, choose a passage that you have found
particularly affecting and moving. In an essay of at least 270 words, explain in as much
detail as possible why you were moved by the selected section and discuss in detail

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40 Points In an essay of at least 270 words, discuss the similarities of two epic heroes we've read about so far in class. Before you begin writing, you may want to think about the following: • • • • • • What obstacles must they overcome? What are their motivations? Who supports them and why? What are their weaknesses and strengths? How do they interact with their families, their own people, and others? Are they rewarded for their actions? If so, with what? In your response, provide specific details from the reading. You must use MLA Style in-text citations. For more information about MLA Style, see the Purdue Online Writing Lab here: In the epic Gilgamesh, Gilgamesh was a hero who had many deeds to overcome and complete. He overuses his power many times throughout the beginning of the play therefore, Enkidu was created. E ...
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