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Congestive Heart Failure Essay

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Congestive Heart Failure
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Congestive Heart Failure
Congestive heart failure (CHF) refers to a chronic progressive condition that interferes
with the heart’s capacity to pump blood inside the body. This condition weakens the heart
muscles as fluids build-ups around the heart, making it too weak to function effectively. In other
terms, CHF is often referred to as ‘heart failure.’ CHF occurs when the heart’s ventricles are
unable to pump blood in and out of the heart, which may also result in fluids backing into the
liver, lower body, lungs and abdomen (Ziaeian & Fonarow, 2016). Scientists have identified
several types of CHF. Firstly, it is the left-sided CHF, which remains one of the most common
chronic conditions. It attacks the left ventricle and weakens its ability to send blood out to the
rest of the body. On the other hand, the right-sided CHF disables the right ventricle, and blood is
unable to reach the lungs efficiently. The most experienced common symptoms of heart failure
incude, shortness of breath when one lies down, fatigue, irregular and rapid heartbeats, swelling
of the ankles, persistent wheezing, difficulty in concentrating, and chest pain. Heart failure is
life-threatening and should be treated as a medical emergency as soon as suspicion arises.
According to clinical experts, CHF has become a burden to healthcare and is considered
to be the leading cause of readmissions and hospitalization. It has, therefore, become a priority
and shared objective to determine preventive readmissions for patients of CHF. In America, over
5.7 million adults have suffered and are living with Heart Failure. Moreover, estimates indicate
that by 2030, an outstanding 8 million adults will have experienced chronic conditions and living
under medication (Ziaeian & Fonarow, 2016). In 2010, over 1 million patients received roper
treatment and were discharged after being diagnosed with HF, while between 2009 and 2012,
there was a 30-day median standardized readmission rate at 23%. Policy markets and researchers
have been strictly interested in readmissions because it is perceived to result from inadequate

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Running head: CONGESTIVE HEART FAILURE Congestive Heart Failure Name Institutional Affiliation 1 CONGESTIVE HEART FAILURE 2 Congestive Heart Failure Congestive heart failure (CHF) refers to a chronic progressive condition that interferes with the heart’s capacity to pump blood inside the body. This condition weakens the heart muscles as fluids build-ups around the heart, making it too weak to function effectively. In other terms, CHF is often referred to as ‘heart failure.’ CHF occurs when the heart’s ventricles are unable to pump blood in and out of the heart, which may also result in fluids backing into the liver, lower body, lungs and abdomen (Ziaeian & Fonarow, 2016). Scientists have identified several types of CHF. Firstly, it is the left-sided CHF, which remains one of the most common chronic conditions. It attacks the left ventricle and weakens its ability to send blood out to the rest of the body. On the other hand, the right-sided CHF disables the right ventricle, and blood is unable to reach the lungs efficiently. The most experienced common symptoms of heart failure incude, shortness of breath when one lies down, fatigue, irregular and rapid heartbeats, swelling of the ankles, persistent wheezing, difficulty in concentrating, and chest pain. Heart failure is life-threatening and should be treated as a medical emergency as soon as suspicion arises. According to clinical experts, CHF has become a burden to healthcare and is considered to be the leading ...
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