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NUR 1304 Learning Activitiy Plan

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Running Head: ACTIVITY PLAN 1
Activity plan
The major task of a trainer is to ensure students become active in class. Students
should get engaged in learning activities like group discussion, watching and listening as
this will result in positive outcome (Masterman, Manton & Balch, 2008) .This activity
plain aims at plans that students and supervisors should do in order acquire knowledge
and skills in learning environment. Activities that the trainer and students do are all equal
(Boudett, City & Murnane, 2013). The table below shows plans of activities:
Activity plan
Power point presentations
Booking Personal Computer and projector
Articles and journals
Handouts of presentations
Consulted Persons
Teachers with adequate knowledge on the subject
Teacher effectiveness: what does the teacher use
to teach?
What does he/she want the learners to attain?

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Assessment: how are students involved in
assessment? How is it done?
Students’ management in class: how does the
teacher solve and handle problems that arise in
Health concerns: Can the teacher identify the
students with special needs? Which procedures are
followed to help?
Schedule: how does the teacher prepare the class
Learning classroom information: classroom details
needs to be clear such as class teacher, phone
number for the teacher and school, class location
among others.
Topic for discussion
How to acquire knowledge and skills in learning

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Running Head: ACTIVITY PLAN 1 Activity plan The major task of a trainer is to ensure students become active in class. Students should get engaged in learning activities like group discussion, watching and listening as this will result in positive outcome (Masterman, Manton & Balch, 2008) .This activity plain aims at plans that students and supervisors should do in order acquire knowledge and skills in learning environment. Activities that the trainer and students do are all equal (Boudett, City & Murnane, 2013). The table below shows plans of activities: Topic Activity plan Resources Power point presentations Booking Personal Computer and projector Articles and journals Handouts of presentations Consulted Persons Teachers with adequate knowledge on the subject Observations Teacher effectiveness: what does the teacher use to teach? What does he/she want the learners to attain? 2 ACTIVITY PLAN Assessment: how are students involved in assessment? How is it done? Students’ management in class: how does the teacher solve and handle problems that arise in class? Health concerns: Can the teacher identify the students with special needs? Which procedures are followed to help? Schedule: how does the teacher prepare the class schedule? Learning classroom information: classroom details needs to be clear such as class teacher, phone number for the teacher and school, class location among others. Topic for discussion How to acquire knowledge and skills in learning enviro ...
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