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HR Management Articles Analysis

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Annotated Bibliography 1
Mostaghim, H.A., Mirghiyasi, S. G., Minabili, S.M., & Zaman, H. (2013). Overview of
Strategic Planning of human resources and its role in the organization. Interdisciplinary
Journal of Contemporary Research in Business, 5 (2), 661-669.
The article is emphases on the old-fashioned human resource administration operation
within a firm. The writer believed that even though the duties of the human resource department
have advanced over time into diverse eons, currently, human resource managers play an essential
responsibility strategically aligned to their attention towards the firms strategies. The observed
proof suggested that HR duties can be perceived as an amalgamation of strategy and behaviour.
They are thus making managers have four choices i.e. traditional choice focusing on efficiency
and cost-effectiveness. The conservative choice protects the interest of managers as opposed to
employees' interests and the innovative choices aimed at productivity. Lastly, the unitarist choices
which tend to favor the development of workers. The planned course of HR administration within
the current the world has been well-defined as transformation agents, tactical partners, worker
champions, and administrative experts. The paper relates to research work, and in comparison, I
can see the correlation between the role of implementation of strategic plans by human resource
managers and the strategies suitable for the advancement of firm’s management by human
resource; thus, the work contained prove valuable.
Trammell, J. (2015). Achieving results with dynamic Plans and adaptable employees.
Employment Relations Today, 41 (4), 51-55. doi:
The paper focuses more on the look of Tim Cook, CEO of Apple, as Apple firm was
exacting a plan for the creation of a next revolutionary device. The writer further explores how

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extremely innovative firms create plans on how to sell with every vendor. He further claims that
modern firms need staff to adapt to ever-changing business conditions as well as diverse clients.
The author also states that staff at every level of management must understand why a specific duty
is being done; hence they must be able to comprehend the entire process and needed to transmit
the data. The paper also explains that most firms are established in a competitive setup with
continuous shifting elements that make the utmost comprehensive strategic plans out of date by
the duration in which the plan has been executed. The author also states that human resource
management must be able to interpret policies and changes with the firm from a worker's
perception. This includes being a good listener for issues affecting the staff, building of trust and
unity among members. The information is written in this paper, I believe, is credible because the
author has documented several works on the subject matter. The information can be integrated
with details from other sources.
3. Bohlander, G., & Snell, S. (2006). Managing human resources. Cengage Learning.
The article focus on the roles and creation of human resource management strategic plan
within a firm. The authors stipulated some of the responsibilities of human resource managers as
recruitment, policy creation, compensation, retention, training, and development. The author
further states that the aim and goals of a firm should be aligned with individual objectives. They
also explained that during the creation of a strategic plan, HRM should conduct analysis to
understand the firm values and mission, identification of an issue and prioritize and taking of
action. The authors further explained that once the plan has been developed, the HRM then can
recruit and select the right individual for the job for effective execution. The HRM can also develop
training sessions for existing staff for the implementation process and design a compensation

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Annotated Bibliography 1 Mostaghim, H.A., Mirghiyasi, S. G., Minabili, S.M., & Zaman, H. (2013). Overview of Strategic Planning of human resources and its role in the organization. Interdisciplinary Journal of Contemporary Research in Business, 5 (2), 661-669. The article is emphases on the old-fashioned human resource administration operation within a firm. The writer believed that even though the duties of the human resource department have advanced over time into diverse eons, currently, human resource managers play an essential responsibility strategically aligned to their attention towards the firms strategies. The observed proof suggested that HR duties can be perceived as an amalgamation of strategy and behaviour. They are thus making managers have four choices i.e. traditional choice focusing on efficiency and cost-effectiveness. The conservative choice protects the interest of managers as opposed to employees' interests and the innovative choices aimed at productivity. Lastly, the unitarist choices which tend to favor the development of workers. The planned course of HR administration within the current the world has been well-defined as transformation agents, tactical partners, worker champions, and administrative experts. The paper relates to research work, and in comparison, I can see the correlation between the role of implementation of strategic plans by human resource managers and the strategies suitable for the advancement of firm’s management by human resou ...
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