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Staff Management Investment Essay

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The success of a business firm can highly depend on the organization and the type of staff or workers
the company has employed for effective daily operations. Staff cannot possess the right education or
other detailed criteria to leave their position, and therefore, the employees do not mind being invested
in. According to David Allison, he explicitly stipulated in his article, “Human Capital” and deeply
elaborated how the value an individual put in as staff gives the firm a good opportunity to evaluate the
value you an individual is to the firm (Allison). The firm can also use the ignorance of the employees and
believe that they are not needed, and hence, the firm does not heavily invest in them. This makes the
firm to save a lot of money and thus financially successful. In a situation where a firm is not investing in
a human asset, the firm can optionally invest in other sectors such as marketing, production, and other
segments within the firm. This would, in turn, increases the amount of finance, making the firm to be
successful without investing in its staff. This can be a similar reason why most of the firms cannot be
successful in terms of finance; however, they invest heavily in human assets. The management of the
firm can also shift the capital meant for investment in human assets and invest the money in other
assets, which can generate more finance to the firm. On some occasions, investing heavily in sectors
such as human assets can reduce the value of other critical assets like promotions and other physical
assets, which can assist in the generation of more finance. Thus, the core concept is all about balance
within the operations and to ensure that the firm invests in the right sector for the increase and success
in terms of the profits, that is, capital (Mello, 2011).
Technology is another key aspect that can determine the success of a given firm in terms of finance
generation. The current techniques used in business operations continually changes, and while an
increase in the growth often leads to a generation of modern marketing plans. These strategies can
make the firm have advanced competitive advantage in the flea market, hence the high production of
profits due to the best technology. A firm having the best technologies in place can thus recruit,
motivate, and attract excellent staff in their daily operations. Even though the human resource is critical
in the success of the firm, some companies have not seriously invested in the sector. Most of the firms
that do not want to invest in human assets, typically have robust systems to conduct their business
activities. Thus, the organization needs very few individuals to assist in the daily operation within the
business firm to ensure profit generation (Truss, 1994).
Additionally, some of the firms can heavily invest in their human assets, and in the end, fail to prosper
economically. Human resources wholly depend on the level of expertise, knowledge, and skills most of
the individuals possess to implement the daily business operations. In a situation where a firm invests a
lot of capital on human resources with low skilled experience or individuals without critical skills in value
additions to the firm, thus the business firm will fail. In real sense, the business firm will experience a
substantial loss since more capital has been spent without return.

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The success of a business firm can highly depend on the organization and the type of staff or workers the company has employed for effective daily operations. Staff cannot possess the right education or other detailed criteria to leave their position, and therefore, the employees do not mind being invested in. According to David Allison, he explicitly stipulated in his article, “Human Capital” and deeply elaborated how the value an individual put in as staff gives the firm a good opportunity to evaluate the value you an individual is to the firm (Allison). The firm can also use the ignoran ...
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