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RELG 101 Exegesis on Genesis Analysis

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Analytical Review
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Textual Analysis
For most people who do not have a deep understanding of the Bible, chapter 3 is simply a
fictional tale that provides a justification as to why presently, human beings do not reside in the
Garden of Eden. They have difficulty accepting that a ‘simple sin’ such as eating the fruit of
knowledge angered the Lord God to the point that He passed judgment that Adam and Eve,
should be expelled from the garden that He had created specifically for them. Genesis chapter 3
is vital not only in the story of creation but provides an explanation of the world and society as is
observed in modern times. The first two chapters of Genesis provide a perfect picture of creation
that God approved and stated it as ‘good.’ It means that the Lord God was pleased and satisfied
with what He had created, and as readers of the scripture, we are informed that human beings
were created in the image of God, an indication of perfection. In chapter Genesis chapter 4, one
reads about jealousy and murder. It illustrates the degradation of man from a perfect being to a
sinful creature. What happened? How did man fall to this level?
Genesis chapter 3 provides valid explanations to these questions. It is the subject of this
exegetical paper, and a significant focus is placed on verses 1-8. The scripture illustrates how the
serpent clearly created an ideal situation for both Eve and Adam to disobey God’s command,
their realization that they have sinned, which resulted in them trying to hide from God. By
conducting extensive Biblical research and other applicable research material, my goal will be to
present an understanding of the role of the serpent, its identity, why it targeted Eve instead of
Adam, and why Adam remained silent during the temptation of Eve.
Historical and Cultural Criticism

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Surname 1 EXEGESIS ON GENESIS Name Course Lecturer’s Name Date Surname 2 Textual Analysis For most people who do not have a deep understanding of the Bible, chapter 3 is simply a fictional tale that provides a justification as to why presently, human beings do not reside in the Garden of Eden. They have difficulty accepting that a ‘simple sin’ such as eating the fruit of knowledge angered the Lord God to the point that He passed judgment that Adam and Eve, should be expelled from the garden that He had created specifically for them. Genesis chapter 3 is vital not only in the story of creation but provides an explanation of the world and society as is observed in modern times. The first two chapters of Genesis provide a perfect picture of creation that God approved and stated it as ‘good.’ It means that the Lord God was pleased and satisfied with what He had created, and as readers of the scripture, we are informed that human beings were created in the image of God, an indication of perfection. In chapter Genesis chapter 4, one reads about jealousy and murder. It illustrates the degradation of man from a perfect being to a sinful creature. What happened? How did man fall to this level? Genesis chapter 3 provides valid explanations to these questions. It is the subject of this exegetical paper, and a significant focus is placed on verses 1-8. The scripture illustrates how the serpent clearly created an ideal situation for both Eve and Adam to disobey God’s comm ...
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