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Metaphysics Research Research Paper

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Metaphysics is defined as the study of the entities and processes that exist, and
also their ontological status in terms of whether they can be considered to be real or
not. There is a distinction between the naturalized and non-naturalized metaphysics.
In the autonomous or non-naturalized metaphysics it is considered to be independent
of the empirical investigations. On the other hand, naturalized metaphysics is
considered to be a key contributor to the continuous of science, and its relative
assumptions in most cases can be validated using empirical evidence(Melnyk, 2013).
The naturalized metaphysical theories are considered to be susceptible to scrutiny
through empirical data and results that will either accept or reject the theory
formulated. It also determines whether or not a metaphysical theory will be revised or
not based on the empirical evidence provided. Scientist realists define naturalized
metaphysics as metaphysics that is simply restricted or constrained through ‘a prior’i
reasoning. However, as Goldman (2007) notes it is not clear which ‘a priori’
reasoning can be determined to be naturalistically unacceptable from a naturalistic
account in the sense that one cannot state confidently that ‘a priori’ or ‘a posteriori’
distinction is equitable to the non-empirical/ empirical evidence.
Both metaphysics and science try to provide a valid explanation of different
phenomena in the world. They try to provide evidence and illustrate how different
theories or components are related. From a traditional perspective, metaphysics is
considered to be ‘a priori,’ while science is ‘a posteriori.’ This is to state that

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1 Running Head: METAPHYSICS METAPHYSICS Name of Student Institution Affiliation METAPHYSICS 2 Introduction Metaphysics is defined as the study of the entities and processes that exist, and also their ontological status in terms of whether they can be considered to be real or not. There is a distinction between the naturalized and non-naturalized metaphysics. In the autonomous or non-naturalized metaphysics it is considered to be independent of the empirical investigations. On the other hand, naturalized metaphysics is considered to be a key contributor to the continuous of science, and its relative assumptions in most cases can be validated using empirical evidence(Melnyk, 2013). The naturalized metaphysical theories are considered to be susceptible to scrutiny through empirical data and results that will either accept or reject the theory formulated. It also determines whether or not a metaphysical theory will be revised or not based on the empirical evidence provided. Scientist realists define naturalized metaphysics as metaphysics that is simply restricted or constrained through ‘a prior’i reasoning. However, as Goldman (2007) notes it is not clear which ‘a priori’ reasoning can be determined to be naturalistically unacceptable from a naturalistic account in the sense that one cannot state confidently that ‘a priori’ or ‘a posteriori’ distinction is equitable to the non-empirical/ empirical evidence. Both metaphysics and science try to provide a vali ...
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