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Schoolrunner Academic Data Management Tool Review

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Charlie Coglianese is the Founder and CEO of Schoolrunner, a Denver-based
K-12 EdTech start-up. This is a data management tool that helps teachers to be able to
track the academics, attendance, behavior, and even the standards mastery of their
students. In order to monitor the academic progress of their students, teachers rely on
the student data that they collect regularly, for instance, their academic results, class
attendance, their participation rate, and even disciplinary issues. Before its creation,
teachers entered student data on spreadsheets, in order to compile information, and it
is not only strenuous but time-consuming. Teaching and planning lessons mainly took
a ‘back-seat’ as teachers tried to gather information in relation to their students. With
the Schoolrunner system, educators are able to track their student data in relation to
their school attendance, behavior, grades, standards mastery, and also student family
contact information. The system is able to integrate the data that the teacher collects,
with the existing Student Information Systems (SIS). It also has a variety of tools that
will assist teachers in the analysis and creation of visual aids of the collected data.
Teachers are able to plan their lessons effectively, and also address the academic
problems that their students face.
Charlie Coglianese holds a B.S. and M.S. in Computer Science from the Yale
University. Initially, he built software for different hedge-funds in New York, and
after ten years, he decided to quit. He states that although the job was well-paying,
after ten years of doing the same or similar things for different companies, he felt that

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he needed some change. He wanted to do something that would inspire him, and
create change. His business idea was borne during this period after having a
conversation with his friend, Ben Marcovitz, a founding principal of a New Orleans
Charter School. Marcovitz had informed him about the challenges that teachers in his
school were facing in terms of collection, and management of data, and he decided to
try and come up with a solution to address this problem, leading to the creation of
Coglianese states that one of his keys to success to Schoolrunner was that he
before he developed this software, he spent six months in the New Orleans High
School interviewing the school principal, teachers and even the school secretary. The
reason for this was to identify the challenges that they faced, and the solutions that
they hoped for with the new system. This helped him considerably during the
development of this new software because he understood the problems that different
staff members faced in terms of data collection, and analysis. The software that he
designed integrates with the SIS and therefore ensures that any school staff member
can easily record information in relation to a student ( academic, behavior, and
attendance). It is also designed in such a way that data is categorized to avoid
repetition and easy analysis. It makes the work of both the teaching, and non-teaching
staff easier, and also improves the students’ overall performance in school that has
implemented this program improves.
The software or the program is easy to implement as users only need to set up an
account and access it from a browser such as Google Chrome. There are also apps for
iPhone, iPad, and Android devices making it convenient for teachers in terms of
access. The program costs $3 per student per month, making it affordable for both the
public, private learning institutions in the country. The company’s clients have grown

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Surname 1 Name Professor Name Course Date Charlie Coglianese is the Founder and CEO of Schoolrunner, a Denver-based K-12 EdTech start-up. This is a data management tool that helps teachers to be able to track the academics, attendance, behavior, and even the standards mastery of their students. In order to monitor the academic progress of their students, teachers rely on the student data that they collect regularly, for instance, their academic results, class attendance, their participation rate, and even disciplinary issues. Before its creation, teachers entered student data on spreadsheets, in order to compile information, and it is not only strenuous but time-consuming. Teaching and planning lessons mainly took a ‘back-seat’ as teachers tried to gather information in relation to their students. With the Schoolrunner system, educators are able to track their student data in relation to their school attendance, behavior, grades, standards mastery, and also student family contact information. The system is able to integrate the data that the teacher collects, with the existing Student Information Systems (SIS). It also has a variety of tools that will assist teachers in the a ...
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