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CJ 233 PU Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design Paper

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Park University
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The three ways in which high-value locations could be opened in the event of a break-in of some sort
would be if a thief were to break in a window, especially through the bedroom or the front or back doors.
Another way in which these locations could be opened is if the thief finds a way to come through the
garage and simply lift it to get inside. The final way in which they could access high-value places in my
home would be to simply come through a door.
The three ways in which the high-value locations could not be opened is to make sure windows and doors
are constantly locked. The second way would be to mount motion sensors on all the windows and
exclusively on doors when at home sleeping or away. The last way would be to connect a security
system, in which we do have wired but not installed. The security alarm puts me as the homeowner at
some comfort knowing if someone were to want to break in, the first thing which would happen is a loud
alarm would sound plus calling the police.
The three Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design (CPTED) strategies that could be executed to
limit the access is to demonstrate the homeowner is home. This can be done by simply turning on a light,

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The three ways in which high-value locations could be opened in the event of a break-in of some sort would be if a thief were to break in a window, especially through the bedroom or the front or back doors. Another way in which these locations could be opened is if the thief finds a way to come through the garage and simply lift it to get inside. The final way in which they could access high-value places in my home would be to simply come through a door. The three ways in which the high-value locations could not be opened is to make sure windows and doors are constantly locked. The second way ...
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