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HRMG 720 Privacy Issues Are Employers Stepping Over Boundary Paper

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Davenport University
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Privacy Issues at the Work Place: Are Employers stepping over their Boundary and How to
minimize it
Godfred Talaga
November 8, 2019
HRMG 720
Davenport University

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Workplace privacy has been an occurring issue for some time and employees feel
employers are stepping over their boundary. Employees feel that employers are using so many
excuses such as instituting cameras at a certain locations in the workplace will help in employees
and customers safety to abuse workers privacy right. This has created a lot of tension between
technology and privacy rights more prevalent than in today’s workplace (Starkman, 2018). It
looks like employers want to monitor every single thing that their employees do which is totally
unacceptable. Employers alone are not to be blamed for this problem because employees
sometimes also do certain things they are not supposed to do which leads to their privacy rights
being violated. For instance, the use of company equipment like phones and computers at work
to go on social media has become so prevalent that it gives companies the opportunity to install
devices to track their workers. In this paper, employee privacy rights will be discussed as well as
whether employers are stepping over their boundaries and the remedies to this occurring issue.
Employees Privacy Rights
The rules that limit how extensively an employer can limit can search an employees’
possession or person, monitor their actions, speech, or correspondence; and know about their
personal lives, especially but not exclusively in the workplace is known as employee privacy
rights (Upcounsel, n.d). With the rise of internet and social media there has been some major
concern about the extent of these protections. The conversations made on some of these
communication platforms seem to be private but in actual fact there is no really privacy in it. The
reason is that most employers are able to search on these communication platforms using
company computers that employees used to virtually find employees communication.

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Running head: WORKPLACE PRIVACY 1 Privacy Issues at the Work Place: Are Employers stepping over their Boundary and How to minimize it Godfred Talaga November 8, 2019 HRMG 720 Davenport University Professor WORKPLACE PRIVACY 2 Introduction Workplace privacy has been an occurring issue for some time and employees feel employers are stepping over their boundary. Employees feel that employers are using so many excuses such as instituting cameras at a certain locations in the workplace will help in employees and customers safety to abuse workers privacy right. This has created a lot of tension between technology and privacy rights more prevalent than in today’s workplace (Starkman, 2018). It looks like employers want to monitor every single thing that their employees do which is totally unacceptable. Employers alone are not to be blamed for this problem because employees sometimes also do certain things they are not supposed to do which leads to their privacy rights being violated. For instance, the use of company equipment like phones and computers at work to go on social media has become so prevalent that it gives companies the opportunity to install devices to track their workers. In this paper, employee privacy rights will be discussed as well as whether employers are stepping over their boundaries and the remedies to this occurring issue. Employees Privacy Rights The rules that limit how extensively an employer can limit can search an employees’ possession or person ...
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This is great! Exactly what I wanted.
