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Self Assessment Self Analyze Reflection

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Self Assessment Self Analyze Reflection
SW 8115
September 6, 2018

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Self-analysis is a major growing brink in anyone’s life, especially if they are
trying to be successful and effective in their life, family, and in the community. I learned
when dealing with a conflict issue to question my response, action, and recognize my
attitude toward the issue. Also being able to clarify issues with a positive manner helps
me address an opening with a client behaviors, and feedback from supervisors or people
who have experience dealing with conflict. I have realized that I was afraid to lose my
attitude towards clients who had experience criminal behaviors or unknown of how the
conversation is going to end. In addition, any time I hear about a person who had
committed a criminal behavior I would blow up and argue that it was not fair what they
have done even if they have mental illness. Also I believe that I would never to able to
work with a client who has committed a criminal behavior.
Understanding individual criminal behavior such as murder or rape it is so hard
from me, I don’t believe it all comes from their society or biologically. Some individuals
commit crime for social, cultural, and economic reasons, it can be influences from people
around or include hate toward a families from a fight that happened in the past or even
poverty. But I believe when an individual take a lot of planning and that means that they
know what they are doing and it is not a mental illness. But when an individual commit a
crime with no thought process that might help me clarify my action toward that client.
One of the challenges that I believe that I would face is that I would not be effective in
treating the client, and I would not find the strength to help the clients compare with the
strengths that I would have when working with another mental illness.
For me to be effective social worker, I must evaluate my strength and weakness I
need to plan my action and indicate the input and the outcome of every session. I believe

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Running Head: SELF ASSESSMENT SELF ANALYZE REFLECTION Self Assessment Self Analyze Reflection SW 8115 September 6, 2018 1 SELF ASSESSMENT SELF ANALYZE REFLECTION 2 Self-analysis is a major growing brink in anyone’s life, especially if they are trying to be successful and effective in their life, family, and in the community. I learned when dealing with a conflict issue to question my response, action, and recognize my attitude toward the issue. Also being able to clarify issues with a positive manner helps me address an opening with a client behaviors, and feedback from supervisors or people who have experience dealing with conflict. I have realized that I was afraid to lose my attitude towards clients who had experience criminal behaviors or unknown of how the conversation is going to end. In addition, any time I hear about a person who had committed a criminal behavior I would ...
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