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Are We Slaves to Our Online Selves Analytical Review

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Analytical Review
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Ma 1
Antony Ma
Ranne Fresse
ENGL 1302
10 July, 2018
Reader Response #2
The internet age has greatly affected all of us. We constantly seek validation from a click
of a button to the reception of a like of a status or photo. This was conveyed effectively in Jules
Evans article “Are We Slaves to Our Online Selves?” He connects with an older crowd, like me,
who was around before the invention of the internet and uses various examples on how we
alienate ourselves from the real world in exchange for the digital one. One such example is when
Evans spoke about seeing a family on the beach and the mother had the husband continuously
take photos of her in a bikini while their daughter looked upon them completely confused
(Evans). He goes into vivid details about how much people use the internet to gain acceptance
and all the examples are realistic and relatable. These are things we can go out and see for
ourselves on a daily basis, which is why the examples are argument is so appealing. The author
also admits that he too has been caught in this trending fad and tells his side of how it has
affected him. Things like this make it more personable and keeps to engage and relate to the
reader. He brings up an excellent point that people overshare their lives until they realize how
uncomfortable knowing that so many people know about your daily routine and business. It was
conveyed in the sentence, “How utterly we make ourselves transparent to its thousand-eyed
stare, until we suddenly feel over-exposed and try to cover ourselves up.” (Evans). There are a
lot of proven statistical facts but all examples used are certainly relatable and work to draw the

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Ma 1 Antony Ma Ranne Fresse ENGL 1302 10 July, 2018 Reader Response #2 The internet age has greatly affected all of us. We constantly seek validation from a click of a button to the reception of a like of a status or photo. This was conveyed effectively in Jules Evans article “Are We Slaves to Our Online Selves?” He connects with an older crowd, like me, who was around before the invention of the internet and uses various examples on how we alienate ourselves from the real world in exchange for the digital one. One such example is when Evans spoke about seeing a family on the beach and the ...
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