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ENGL 1302 I Want a Wife Analytical Review

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Analytical Review
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Ma 1
Antony Ma
Ranne Fresse
ENGL 1302
16 July, 2018
Reader Response #4
There are many things we all take for granted in life. We often take for granted the people
in our lives. Judy Brady wrote an essay that was entitled, “I Want A Wife.” In this short essay,
she uses several different ways to appeal to her audience mainly using satire. Throughout, she
uses clear evidence of emotional appeal by referring to all the daily tasks she does as a wife, “I
want who will keep my house clean. A wife who will pick up after my children, a wife who will
pick up after me” (Brady). The entire essay is a list of things she does for her husband and what
he expects from her. She uses logical appeal at the same time while making this list and ending
with the sarcastic, “My God, who wouldn’t want a wife?” (Brady). It ties in well with the
emotion she uses and makes you really feel for her as she goes through this massive list of
duties. She also makes use of ethical appeal by expressing the sanctity of their marriage that only
seems one sided, “I want a wife who will remain sexually faithful to me…” “And I want a wife
who understands that my sexual needs may entail more than a strict adherence to monogamy”
(Brady). The usage of these examples really reaches her readers with a sense of selfishness that
she feels from her husband all the time. That his moral dilemma seems to outweigh his
responsibilities of a husband. It all ties in well together in conveying the authors emotions and
thoughts throughout this essay.
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Ma 1 Antony Ma Ranne Fresse ENGL 1302 16 July, 2018 Reader Response #4 There are many things we all take for granted in life. We often take for granted the people in our lives. Judy Brady wrote an essay that was entitled, “I Want A Wife.” In this short essay, she uses several different ways to appeal to her audience mainly using satire. Throughout, she uses clear evidence of emotional appeal by referring to all the daily tasks she does as a wife, “I want who will keep my house clean. A wife who will pick up after my children, a wife who will pick up after me” (Brady). The entire essay ...
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