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Gun Violence and Control

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Gun violence and control
Today I'm going to share some information that might be mind boggling on gun
violence and control. Specifically, I will discuss our current right issues that we have with
gun violence and possible solutions.
We have a serious issue on our hands.
Every day 32 Americans are killed by a gun. Your neighbor could be that child that
walks into a school and shoots your child because we didn't watch our concern because as
a whole we did nothing to change the problem. So, what exactly is gun control and how
can it help us.
Today I will discuss some of the shocking statistics, sad stories, and a beautiful plan.
To start off, I will discuss the current problem we have. In recent news, a school and
Ohio suffer the loss of three students after a young man shot them with his grandfather's
gun. He accessed this gun because it was not locked up in a safe. No law was broken by
the government with let's face the facts this is not gun control.
That is setting our children up for disaster you ever expect that your child will be
army crawling that their way to safety as bullets fly past their head in school. In Akron,
this past summer an eleven-year-old girl was shot and killed by straight bullet.
Controlling the safety regulations for gun owners almost seems like a necessity. Gun
control is the government placing walls or codes that gun owners have to abide by.
Colin Goddard who works for the Brady Campaign to prevent gun violence said this
while being interviewed by MSDN about the Chardon High School shooting:
Eight children die every day from gunfire.

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You have 32 Americans that die every day, that is the Virginia Tech shootings that
happens every day and we do nothing about it. It is beyond time that we do something
about it.
Colin Goddard was shot four times in the Virginia Tech shooting. He is a surviving
victim and is now helping the Brady Campaign and their fight for gun control.
In his interview, he stresses that the dangerous easy accessibility to guns, the
University of Arizona is trying to pass a bill that allows students to carry firearms on
Here are some shocking statistics:
The FBI buys primary in the United States estimates that 68% of the 16,929 murders
in 2007 were committed with firearms.
According to the 1997 survey of state prison inmates among those possessing a gun
the source of the gun was from a family friend street by or illegal source. That represents
80% of all those inmates that use the gun.
Based on the survey data from a 2000 study published in the Journal of quantitative
criminology, US civilians use guns to defend themselves and others from crime at least
989,883 times per year.
Homicides of teens and young adults, who are most likely to be committed with a gun
than any other person of any other ages, the percentage of homicide victims killed with a
gun increased with age of the victim until 17 where it peaked at 79% and then declined
Those are some heart-wrenching statistics and stories but if you put thought to them
but there are ideas in the works by various organizations.
The Brady Campaign is well known for its push on gun control. On the Brady
campaign's website, they rate a state-by-state to see how well our gun laws are:

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Gun violence and control INTRODUCTION Today I'm going to share some information that might be mind boggling on gun violence and control. Specifically, I will discuss our current right issues that we have with gun violence and possible solutions. We have a serious issue on our hands. Every day 32 Americans are killed by a gun. Your neighbor could be that child that walks into a school and shoots your child because we didn't watch our concern because as a whole we did nothing to change the problem. So, what exactly is gun control and how can it help us. Today I will discuss some of the shocking statistics, sad stories, and a beautiful plan. BODY To start off, I will discuss the current problem we have. In recent news, a school and Ohio suffer the loss of three students after a young man shot them with his grandfather's gun. He accessed this gun because it was not locked up in a safe. No la ...
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