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Pharmacology Exam II Notes

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Pharma Exam 2
Opioid Medications: drugs containing dulls the senses, relieves pain, induces profound sleep; in
excess it causes stupor, coma, or convulsions.
-Mu, Kappa, and Delta
Mu: affinity for morphine. Highest in brain stem, medial thalamus
Sedation, analgesia
Resp depression
Physical dependence
Kappa: limbic system, brain stem, spinal cord
Spinal analgesia
Respiratory depression
Psychomimetic effects (anxiety, nightmares, hallucinations)
Delta Receptor -analgesia, appears to work better for chronic pain
Not many adverse effects
Not very well understood
Morphine: Gold standard for pain medication
-Natural occurring opiate
Onset: 5 minutes (IV) -60 minutes (spinal)
Duration: Varies based on route, form- can be up to 24 hours (spinal)
Oral: only 40/50% reaches CNS
-immediate release; 30 mins
-sustained release; 90 mins
-poor lipid solubility, protein binding, rapid metabolism
IV: 2-10mg q4hr PRN 1mg IV=3mg PO
Adverse effects:
Nausea (7-70%) chemoreceptor stimulation
Itching (up to 80%)- releases histamine common reaction, very rare to actually have an

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Resp depression, constipation
Hydromorphone: very potent! 1 mg =11mg of morphine
preferred over morphine in renal failure
Nausea (9-28%)
Respiratory depression
IV to Oral; 1.5 mg IV converts to 7.5 mg oral
onset: Oral-30 mins, IV-15 mins
Duration: Oral- 3-6, IV; 4-5 hours
Oxycodone: Semi-synthetic opioid -alone or in combo with acetaminophen or aspirin
onset: 10-15 minutes (IR/SR)
Duration: IR: 3-4hours/ SR: ~12 hours
Usual dosing; Intermittent pain= 5-15mg q4-6h PRN
Chronic= sustained release 10mg POq12
can have med interactions
Nausea (10-20)
Resp depression
Constipation (5-13%)
Supplied percocet, oxy, xtampa
20 mg oxycodone = 30mg
Fentanyl : synthetic opioid -extremely potent- 80x more potent than morphine
dosing: intermittent 25-100mcg IV q2hr PRN
Continuous 25-150mcg/hr IV or transdermal
Available IV, transdermal, sublingual, nasal, buccal
onset: IV-immediate!
Oral: 5-15 min
Transdermal- 12-24hr
duration: IV: 30-60mins
transdermal: 72 hours
-For stable, chronic pain- since not immediate may need something oral at first
Opioid Overdose:
resp depression

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Pharma Exam 2 Opioid Medications: drugs containing – dulls the senses, relieves pain, induces profound sleep; in excess it causes stupor, coma, or convulsions. -Mu, Kappa, and Delta Mu: affinity for morphine. Highest in brain stem, medial thalamus • • • • • Sedation, analgesia Euphoria Resp depression Physical dependence Constipation Kappa: limbic system, brain stem, spinal cord • • • • • Spinal analgesia Sedation Dependence Respiratory depression Psychomimetic effects (anxiety, nightmares, hallucinations) Delta Receptor -analgesia, appears to work better for chronic pain • • Not many adverse effects Not very well understood Morphine: Gold standard for pain medication -Natural occurring opiate Onset: 5 minutes (IV) -60 minutes (spinal) Duration: Varies based on route, form- can be up to 24 hours (spinal) Oral: only 40/50% reaches CNS -immediate release; 30 mins -sustained release; 90 mins -poor lipid solubility, protein binding, rapid metabolism IV: 2-10mg q4hr PRN → 1mg IV=3mg PO Adverse effects: • • Nausea (7-70%) chemoreceptor stimulation Itching (up to 80%)- releases histamine → common reaction, very rare to actually have an allergy • Resp depression, constipation Hydromorphone: very potent! 1 mg =11mg of morphine preferred over morphine in renal failure • • • Nausea (9-28%) Respiratory depression Constipation IV to Oral; 1.5 mg IV converts to 7.5 mg oral onset: Oral-30 mins, IV-15 mins Duration: Oral- 3-6, IV; 4-5 ...
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