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ENG 1102 Nature and Young People Analysis

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Nature and Young People

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Nature and Young People
Nature can be described as the natural environment that surrounds us, takes care of us and
feeds all of us every time. The role of nature to young people and all people at large cannot be
taken for granted since without it we could not live long on earth. Nature provides us with water,
air, fire and atmosphere which are essential components of our lives. Therefore, nature is of a
very great value and importance especially for the young people who have a role of caring for it.
Value of Nature
Today young people can neither claim to be appreciating the role nature plays in
everyday life nor can they argue that they appreciate it and enhance its wellness. According to
White (2004), human life is dependent on nature hence young people should understand that
every single thing of nature is of value and protect it. When Young people are able to understand
that we depend on nature for survival, they can change their lifestyles and put in place nature
friendly practices. Various natures such as sun gives us daylight and enables plant growth while
water in the rivers not only feeds human beings but is also source of water for drinking.
Scientific Progress
Nature has big impact on the scientific and industrial growth which human beings enjoy
on earth today. It is natural resources such as oceans, rivers, petroleum and minerals that human
beings continue to use to adverse in technology. Therefore, with the fast progress on earth, these
natural resources are beginning to get misused. If young people can understand that nature is the
source of all scientific progress they can be able to apply green knowledge in preserving natural

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Running head: NATURE AND YOUNG PEOPLE Nature and Young People Name Institution Course Date 1 NATURE AND YOUNG PEOPLE 2 Nature and Young People Introduction Nature can be described as the natural environment that surrounds us, takes care of us and feeds all of us every time. The role of nature to young people and all people at large cannot be taken for granted since without it we could not live long on earth. Nature provides us with water, air, fire and atmosphere which are essential components of our lives. Therefore, nature is of a very great value and importance especially for the young people who have a role of caring for it. Value of Nature Today young people can neither claim to be appreciating the role nature plays in everyday life nor can they argue that they appreciate it and enhance its wellness. According to White (2004), human life is dependent on nature hence young people should understand that every single thing of nature is of value and protect it. When Young people are able to understand that we depend on nature for survival, they can change their lifestyles and put in place nature friendly practices. Various natures such as sun gives us daylight and enables plant growth while water in the rivers not only feeds human beings but is also source of water for drinking. Scientific Progress Nature has big impact on the scientific and industrial growth which human beings enjoy on earth today. It is natural resources such as oceans, rivers, petroleum and minerals ...
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