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Visual Art Analysis

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Analytical Review
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Chloe Weller
Dr. Underwood
19 June 2020
Visual Art Analysis
I find this painting to show a lot of emotion for the artist. Overall, the painting is quite
dark, or gloomy, showing the sorrowness of the time and experience. It has a clear divide
between the two sides. She shows the ‘American side’ as being technically advanced. She
depicts a large factory with fumes practically cradling an American flag. Along the bottom of the
painting, there are other inventions, all needing power to work them. While on the opposite side
of the painting, there are crops and plants, as well as Mexican artifacts. Pictured at the top,
there is a moon and sun with faces, which holds great influence in Mexico. These two sides
seem almost as opposites. Where the Mexican side has crops, we have technology. The
landscape on the Mexican side shows old artifacts with deep cultural meaning, and the
American side shows a factory spewing smoke.
Kahol appears to be exploring the changes that will be made in her life as she moves
from her home. Due to the depictions of the two sides of this painting, it is clear that while Kahol
may be crossing the border into America, her loyalties lay with Mexico. She also holds a small
Mexican flag, and appears to be gazing at the Mexican side or the painting, which further shows
her preference (Cat, 2016).
The most evident aspect of surrealism in this painting is the side by side comparison
depicting America and Mexico. These two sides show her inner conflict and feelings about
crossing the border. We see elements of indigenous art directly under the image of Kahol, she
is shown standing on a stone which sits directly on the border. The inscription reads, 'Carmen

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Rivera Painted Her Portrait 1932' (Evemy). These elements work well together to truly express
Kahol’s emotions and feelings about leaving her home.
Being married to a famous man most likely got Kahol’s art recognized quickly. This could
have given her the ability to produce more art, and have it appreciated. Kahol’s art has true
meaning, and having a famous husband who she shared a last name with, gave her the
opportunity to share that message. The stone that Kahol is standing on in this piece of art is an
obvious sign that she is married to a famous man, as it is inscribed with her husband's last
name, Rivera.
I do find this piece of art to be valuable and important. It shows a glimpse of what is
going on in a person's mind when they are crossing a border. It may not appear this way at first
glance, but after examining the painting it is clear that it has a deeper meaning. The feature that
stands out the most that shows this point is the way that Kahol is depicted. She may be in the
center of the painting, but she is clearly ‘leaning’ towards the Mexican side of the art. This is
further shown by the way her head is turned slightly to the Mexican side.

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Chloe Weller Dr. Underwood Humanities 19 June 2020 Visual Art Analysis I find this painting to show a lot of emotion for the artist. Overall, the painting is quite dark, or gloomy, showing the sorrowness of the time and experience. It has a clear divide between the two sides. She shows the ‘American side’ as being technically advanced. She depicts a large factory with fumes practically cradling an American flag. Along the bottom of the painting, there are other inventions, all needing power to work them. While on the opposite side of the painting, there are crops and plants, as well as Mexican artifacts. Pictured at the top, there is a moon and sun with faces, which holds great influence in Mexico. These two sides seem almost as opposites. Where the Mexican side has crops, we have technology. The landscape on the Mexican side shows old artifacts with deep cultural meaning, and the A ...
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