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Forms of Comedy Discussion

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7.2 Differentiate among various forms of comedy, including satire, comedy of character, farce,
and parody.
Comedy was one of two major genres that grew out of Greek theater, the other being tragedy. It
has more recently been defined as, “professional entertainment consisting of jokes and satirical
sketches, intended to make an audience laugh”( Fierro). Comedy was originally used after a
theater performance to make the audience laugh before they left the performance. There are
many forms of comedy such as, satire, comedy of character, farce, and parody. Satire is one of
these forms of comedy. It has been defined as “the use of humor, irony, exaggeration, or ridicule
to expose and criticize people's stupidity or vices, particularly in the context of contemporary
politics and other topical issues”( Fierro). Satire attempts to use humor to cover social problems
that are happening around the world. There are many different types of satires. There is the fool,
the rascal, the satire of greediness and drunkenness, the estate, and the Satirical sirventes. Each
type is humorous in its own way, but they all fit the mold of a satire.”Satire exists on its own,
and can serve a higher purpose. Satire exists as a commentary on some aspect of society and a
call to action to people to change that aspect, using humor and sarcasm as a medium.”(arnold) A
farce is a comedy that uses exaggeration situations as entertainment. Farces tend to be light
hearted and do not have much character development. The situations are usually exaggerated to a
point that seems impossible. They also normally occur in the same location for the entirety of the
movie, tv show, or performance. Examples of a farce are movies such as Home Alone or the
Three Stooges. Parodies, on the other hand, are imitations of specific writers or artists that are
exaggerated for comedic effect. They can also be used to mock or make fun of someone's work.
Parodies have also been called spoofs. An example of a parody is Pride and Prejudice With
Zombies, it is simply a parody of Jane Austen's Pride and Prejudice. Comedy of character is a
method or genre in which a comedian performs as though they were a character created by the
comedian themselves. These characters can resolve awkward tension in shows, movies or live
theater. They are commonly recognized as ‘the funny one’, and are always adored by fans.
Fierro, B. K. (n.d.). Retrieved July 05, 2020, from

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7.2 Differentiate among various forms of comedy, including satire, comedy of character, farce, and parody. Comedy was one of two major genres that grew out of Greek theater, the other being tragedy. It has more recently been defined as, “professional entertainment consisting of jokes and satirical sketches, intended to make an audience laugh”( Fierro). Comedy was originally used after a theater performance to make the audience laugh before they left the performance. There are many forms of comedy such as, satire, comedy of character, farce, and parody. Satire is one of these forms of comed ...
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