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Jung Typology Test Interpretation

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My results from the Jung Typology Test showed that I am highly introverted, that I barely
had a preference between sensing and intuition, that I slightly prefer thinking to feeling, and that
I have a slight preference to judging rather than perceiving. I completely agree with the highly
introverted result. I do not enjoy spending time in large groups or at parties, instead I prefer to
hang out with my small group of friends or hang out with someone one on one. I also tend to be
more quiet, and do not like being the center of attention. My results for sensing vs intuition were
so close, 1% sensing, that I do not have a direct opinion on the score. I tend to both use my
intuition and also sense things pretty much equally, so it makes sense for them to be so close.
According to the test I have a 3% preference for thinking rather than feeling. I have to disagree
with this result. I tend to act on feelings more than thinking through the decision. I also disagree
with my score of 6% judging rather than perceiving. I do not find myself judging others often, as
I find that I do not know their life, so I have no right to judge their actions. Anyone that knows me
well will know that I am introverted, and because the percent between sensing and intuition is so
close, I think they would agree with me there as well. As for thinking vs feeling, anyone that
knows me well should know that when it comes to decision making, I don’t base it off of feeling
or thinking, I simply don’t. I never make decisions, so I am unsure of what they would think
about that one. I feel like they would ablo disagree with the judging vs perceiving, as I refrain
from judging as much as possible.
My results from the ‘Big Five’ test showed that I am opened to new experiences, which I
agree with as I enjoy trying new things. It also showed a low scoring in conscientiousness,
which told me that I am disorganized and undependable. Though at times I can be unorganized,
I find myself to be reliable and dependable, I just do not always have the cleanest desk. I also
scored quite low for Extraversion, which I agree with. This means that I tend to be introverted
and reserved, which is very true. I scored low on the agreeableness portion of the test, and I do
not agree with this result. One of the traits of an agreeable personality that was listed was
forgiving, something I do way too graciously. My last score was extremely high, and was found
in the negative emotionality section. This shows that I tend to be nervous, insecure, worry a lot,
and that I am overall a very anxious person. This portion of the test is the one I agree with the
most, I am constantly anxious and overthink everything. If an employer only saw these results
and had not met me, they would probably think that I would not be a good employee. With my
low scoring in conscientiousness, they would think that I was disorganized and undependable.
Depending on the job, my low score in Extraversion could also be an unfavorable characteristic,
as well as my low score in agreeableness. So, based solely on this test, I should not be a good
employee, but I would disagree. I would be too anxious to disappoint my employer, so I’d be a
great, hardworking employee. Based on these results, something I would like to improve would
be the negative emotionality. I am constantly struggling with my anxiety and it has been
something I have yet to conquer for years. A strategy that I have found to help me with this is
surround myself with people that can reassure me and make sure that I do not get too caught
up in my head. I also find that writing down, or saying my anxious thoughts helps me sort them
out and helps to find a reasonable solution.

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My results from the Jung Typology Test showed that I am highly introverted, that I barely had a preference between sensing and intuition, that I slightly prefer thinking to feeling, and that I have a slight preference to judging rather than perceiving. I completely agree with the highly introverted ...
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