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Sensemaking And The Structural Frame ...

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Trident University International
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Sense-making and the Structural Frame

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The Walt Disney Company Organizational Design
Disney has a multidivisional organizational structure. In this organizational structure, the
organization is subdivided into various sub-units, which are designed into departments depending
on the products they provide. Each product sub-unit has a distinct description, although the
products in these sub-units are related to entertainment. The design effectiveness can be seen in
allowing the departmentalization of the organization into various business segments, which helps
in running the company. Through this structure, it is easy for departments within the company to
share ideas that can help achieve the common goal. The multidivisional organizational structure
also helps Disney to reduce its costs of operation since it increases effectiveness through
innovations. Since the structure has a considerable element of creating synergy in its operations,
its performance is a collective responsibility. Under this structure, Walt Disney has a corporate
structure that designs the business system in terms of composition, management interactions, and
arrangement of components. Disney’s structure is designed to encourage interdepartmental
cooperation to create competitive advantages in the entertainment industry. This has effectively
been implemented and worked well in Disney's entertainment business segment that has influenced
the strategy used by the amusement park segment (Williams, 2019).
Structural Characteristics of the Walt Disney Company
One of the structural characteristics of the company is its strategic plans. Disney has a well-
known generic competitive strategy and intensive growth strategies that are designed to help the
organization to continue being competitive as well as expand its operations. As it is assumed that
organizations exist to achieve established goals and objectives, Disney seeks to achieve its goals
in becoming the largest entertainment company in the world. The company, therefore, has put in
place a generic strategy as well as growth strategies. It is assumed that a company’s structures

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Running head: SENSEMAKING AND THE STRUCTURAL FRAME Sense-making and the Structural Frame Institution Name 1 SENSEMAKING AND THE STRUCTURAL FRAME 2 The Walt Disney Company Organizational Design Disney has a multidivisional organizational structure. In this organizational structure, the organization is subdivided into various sub-units, which are designed into departments depending on the products they provide. Each product sub-unit has a distinct description, although the products in these sub-units are related to entertainment. The design effectiveness can be seen in allowing the departmentalization of the organization into various business segments, which helps in running the company. Through this structure, it is easy for departments within the company to share ideas that can help achieve the common goal. The multidivisional organizational structure also helps Disney to reduce its costs of operation since it increases effectiveness through innovations. Since the structure has a considerable element of creating synergy in its operations, its performance is a collective responsibility. Under this structure, Walt Disney has a corporate structure that designs the business system in terms of composition, management interactions, and arrangement of components. Disney’s structure is designed to encourage interdepartmental cooperation to create competitive advantages in the entertainment industry. This has effectively been implemented and worked well in Disney's entertainment ...
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