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The Future of International Marketing Presentation

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THE FUTURE OF INTERNATIONAL MARKETING INTRODUCTION ➢ The present and the future changes of global landscape are unprecedented and very difficult to solve. They will drive to a new state of affairs that calls for an essential shift in the perspectives and world views as well as a new paradigm to guide the actions. Furthermore, they ask for coordinated and flexible strategic responses as solutions from the “actors” involved in domestic and international business. ➢ The changes have and will keep having numerous dimensions and trends. The continuous increase of the levels of connectedness from local to global scales is a key trend. It is pushed forward by the use of multiple devices and platforms that help the users to communicate more rapid and easier. Thus, more rapid interactions dynamics will be possible between people, businesses and industries and will permit a better adaptation to the expansion of globalization and to the fragmentation of markets. ➢ These trends accelerate the change process; make it non-linear, abrupt and irreversible. They will keep pushing toward a clever development, based on knowledge and innovation. The consumers and the authorities will be more careful to the corporate social responsibility, ethics and sustainability. In their turn, the marketers will need to have new business models, commercialization methods and a better marketing paradigm as part of the business strategy. The fast innovation keeps remaining a key requirement for the c ...
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