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Leadership Update. Final9

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Computer Science
University of Maryland University College
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Leadership Update: Cyber-Crime
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Institutional Affiliations

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Leadership Update: Cyber-Crime
Capital One Breach
Any crime committed through a network-connected gadget is termed as cybercrime; the
devices include mobile phones or computers (Smith, 2016). A massive breach hit more than 100
million customers at Capital One after a cloud misconfiguration. The perpetrator, Paige Thomson,
hacked the system and was able to access social security numbers, credit data, as well as bank
accounts (Corcoran, 2019). This breach compares to the Equifax of 2017, where private data
records were hacked and used for identity theft proliferations.
Corcoran (2019) stipulates that the intruder illegally accessed data from the cloud servers
related to credit-card applications that affected various business entities made from 2005 until
2019. The data affected included name addresses, zip codes, email addresses, dates of birth, credit
scores, phone numbers, and financial information. The victims of Capital One breach included
Americans and a few Canadians. 140,000 and 80,000 Social Security as well as bank accounts got
affected with no exposure to credentials respectively.
The perpetrator was arrested and charged with identity theft. When data falls into the wrong
hands, various crimes get encountered, which affects critical sectors of the economy. Corcoran
(2019) says that all the affected customers from this incident received alerts covering the level of
damage caused. Capital One is not the first firm to experience a data breach; it is substantial that
measures to protect the firm got deployed before any severe damage could be incurred. The hack
is related to a poorly configured firewall; this indicates the proficiency of the organization's
understanding and monitoring its framework from time to time to ensure there are no loose ends
for perpetrators in the future.

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Running head: COMPUTER SCIENCE: CYBERCRIME Leadership Update: Cyber-Crime Student’s Name Institutional Affiliations Course Date 1 COMPUTER SCIENCE: CYBERCRIME 2 Leadership Update: Cyber-Crime Capital One Breach Any crime committed through a network-connected gadget is termed as cybercrime; the devices include mobile phones or computers (Smith, 2016). A massive breach hit more than 100 million customers at Capital One after a cloud misconfiguration. The perpetrator, Paige Thomson, hacked the system and was able to access social security numbers, credit data, as well as bank accounts (Corcoran, 2019). This breach compares to the Equifax of 2017, where private data records were hacked and used for identity theft proliferations. Corcoran (2019) stipulates that the intruder illegally accessed data from the cloud servers related to credit-card applications that affected various business entities made from 2005 until 2019. The data affected included name addresses, zip codes, email addresses, dates of birth, credit scores, phone numbers, and financial information. The victims of Capital One breach included Americans and a few Canadians. 140,000 and 80,000 Social Security as well a ...
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