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Genetically Modified Foods Presentation

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MULTIMEDIA PRESENTATION KYLEN CRYER INTRODUCTION  Did you know Genetically modified foods, or GM foods are food produced from plants and animals whose DNA has been altered through genetic engineering.  The school has recently decided to start serving genetically modified food as part of school lunches. Give a multimedia presentation to the student council arguing for or against the new policy.  People should produce more genetically modified food because it allows more food to be produced at a faster rate, growing GM crops leads to environmental benefits, and a increased in nutritional value . BODY-PARAGRAPH  With the population growing at a fast rate food shortages are becoming a problem. The solution to the problem would be Genetically modified foods because they produce more at a faster rate.  Recently, Italian researchers published a review of studies concluding planting genetically modified corn over the past 20 years has increased the agricultural yield. between 1996 and 2015, GM crops increased global production by 357.7 million tons of corn, 180.3 million tons of soybean, 25.2 million tons of cotton fiber, 10.6 million tons of canola and about a ton of sugar beet.  Genetically modified crops have many potential advantages in terms of raising agricultural productivity and reducing the need for environmentally harmful pesticides. BODY-PARAGRAPH  Growing genetically modified crops leads to environmental benefits such as reduced pestici ...
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