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Project 4 Network Diagram

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Computer Science
University of Maryland University College
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Network Diagram
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Fractal Apps need to expand their business network, while at the same time make the network
connections secure. In order to meet their business needs, it is vital to develop a network diagram
that the business will use. Fractal Apps requires major technology solutions for their network,
which are LAN, WAN, and VPN. These technologies will facilitate secure networking and
effective flow of business operations. Fractal apps will be operating in the condo in Washington,
DC to other three locations, as well as mobile workers. One of the major focuses of the company
is security of its data which can allow the staff to share their data in a more secure way (Tayyaba
et al., 2020). By use of a VPN, it will be possible to address the issue of security.
In the network diagram, there are four locations, Washington D.C, Brooklyn NY, San Francisco
CA, and mobile workers. On Washington D.C location, the requirements for the network are
servers, computers, a router, switches and printers. The switch will be used to connect the
computers in the network, and connect to the server to hold the data for business operations. The
connection will form a LAN, unless the server is connected to the router. CAT7A’s are used to
connect the devices together and will increase speed in the local area connection. The router
connects the devices to the internet and the other locations as well. Fiber will be used in
connecting the network devices to the WAN. Data from the router is protected through firewalls
which ensure no corrupted data enters the network system during communication. As the data
reaches the WAN/cloud, it routes its direction to either locations. For example, it can be directed
to Brooklyn, San Francisco, or mobile devices. The set up done for San Francisco and Brooklyn
is similar to that of Washington D.C. location. Based on the mobile workers, a difference is
created in that they have to connect through a VPN to get connected to the WAN.

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Running Head: NETWORK DIAGRAM 1 Network Diagram Institutional affiliation Date NETWORK DIAGRAM 2 Fractal Apps need to expand their business network, while at the same time make the network connections secure. In order to meet their business needs, it is vital to develop a network diagram that the business will use. Fractal Apps requires major technology solutions for their network, which are LAN, WAN, and VPN. These technologies will facilitate secure networking and effective flow of business operations. Fractal apps will be operating in the condo in Washington, DC to other three locations, as well as mobile workers. One of the major focuses of the company is security of its data which can allow the staff to share their data in a more secure way (Tayyaba et al., 2020). By use of a VPN, it will be possible to address the issue of security. In the network diagram, there are four locations, Washington D.C, Brooklyn NY, San Francisco CA, and mobile workers. On Washington D.C location, the requirements for the network are servers, computers, a router, switches and printers. The switch will be used to connect the computers in the network, and connect to the server to hold the data ...
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