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Littlefield Capacity

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Stanford University
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Definition Flow Rate "… the number of flow units that flow through a specific point in the process per unit of time… Total inflow rate -- Ri(t) The total inflow rate is "the sum of the … inflow rates.. From the …entry points." (p. 49) Intantaneous flow rate --R(t) The flow rate at a specific point in time t (p. 49) Inventory "… the total number of flow units present within process boundaries." (p. 49) I(t) "the total number of flow units present within process bundaries at time t", the process invent Inventory Dynamics inflow and outflow rates fluctuate over time, so inventory increases (i.e., builds up) or decreas ΔR(t) Instantaneous inventory accumulation (buildup) rate (p.50) Buildup Rate Equation 3.1 ∆𝑅 𝑡 = 𝑅𝑖 𝑡 − 𝑅𝑜 (𝑡) Inventory Change Equation 3.2 Inventory Change = Buildup rate X Length of time interval (p.50) Ending Inventory I(t) = I(t-1) + ΔR(t) Inventory Buildup Diagram Depiction of inventory fluctuation over time (p. 51) Average flow time "… the average flow time [is] the average (of the flow times) across all flow units that exit the Stable Process "A stable process is one in which, in the long run, the average inflow rate is the same as the a Little's Law Equation 3.3 𝐼 =𝑅×𝑇 Average Inventory (I) = Throughput (R) X Average Flow Time Resource Pool "… a collection of interchangeable resources that can perform an identical set of activities. " p Resource Unit "Each unit in a resource pool is cal ...
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