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NR-507 Study Guide
1. Types of immunity ch 7 & 8
a. Innate- natural epithelial barrier and inflammation the make innate resistance and
protection pg. 191
b. Adaptive/ acquired- immune response or immunity, after innate and inflammation,
i. Active (Acquired) -after natural exposure to an antigen or after immunization pg.
ii. Passive (Acquired)- preformed antibodies or t lymphocytes are transferred rom a
donor to the recipient, maternal to fetus, or bone marrow transplant pg. 227
2. Alveolar ventilation/perfusion- pg. 1239 Ch 34
a. Ratio between the amount of air getting into the alveoli and the amount of blood being
sent to the lungs.
3. Dermatologic conditions ch. 46 e.g. pityriasis rosea- benign self-limiting inflammatory disorder
that occurs in young adults, with seasonal peaks spring and fall. Harmful in pregnancy.
Associated with a virus, starts with a herald patch, circular. Salmon pink, and demarcated, usually
on the trunk, acyclovir and erythromycin, and corticosteroid creams for itching. Should go away
within a few months.
4. Croup- pg. 1294-1296 Viral, barking cough, winter and spring months, usually affects children 6
mo to 3 yrs, peak at 2 years old, stridor, and fever, 2-5 days. human parainfluenza viruses (HPIVs),
RSV, viruses are airborne. Rest, humidity, and lots of fluids. Acute laryngotracheobronchitis
5. Types of anemia pg. 982-1102 C. 28 reduction of the total number of erythrocytes in the
circulating blood or a decrease in the quality or quantity of hemoglobin
a. Macrocytic-normochromic anemia- large abnormally shaped erythrocytes but normal
hemoglobin concentrations (Pernicious- lack of B12, abnormal RNA and DNA synthesis
and early cell death, folate deficiency- lack of folate for erythropoiesis premature cell
b. Microcytic-hypochromic anemia- Small abnormally shaped erythrocytes and reduced
hemoglobin concentration (Iron deficiency- lack of Fe for hemoglobin production,
insufficient hemo, sideroblastic- dysfunctional iron uptake by erythroblasts and defective
porphyrin and heme synthesis, thalassemia- impaired synthesis of alpha and beta chain
of hemoglobin, phagocytosis of abnormal erythroblasts in the marrow)
c. Normocytic-normochromic anemia- normal size, normal hemo concentration (aplastic-
insufficient erythropoiesis, posthemorrhagic- blood lost, hemolytic- premature
destruction of mature erythrocytes in the circulation, sickle cell- abnormal hemo
synthesis, abnormal cell shape with damage, lysis and phagocytosis, anemia of chronic
disease- abnormal demand for new erythrocytes )
6. The inflammatory process upon injury pg. 195 Ch. 7- blood vessel dilation, increased vascular
permeability and leakage of fluid out of the vessel, WBC adherence to the inner walls of the
vessel and their migration through vessel walls to the site of injury. Figure 7-2
7. GI symptoms resulting in heart burn- pg. 1429 Ch 41. acid regurg chronic cough, asthma attacks,
and laryngitis. Upper abd pain, within 1 hr of eating, worse lying down, chest pain,
8. Pulmonary terminology - dyspnea- SOB, Orthopnea- postural SOB Ch 35 pg. 1248
9. Complications of gastric resection surgery-pg 1440 dumping syndrome,

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10. Dermatology terminology-Ch. 46, pg. 1620, macules- freckles, flat moles, change in color, less
than1 cm, nevi- moles pg. 1641, etc-
11. Chicken pox- pg. 1660, ch. 47. disease of early childhood, highly contagious virus, vesicles, trunk,
scalp, or face, transmission 5-6 days after first vesicle, contagious 1 day prior to rash, contagious
for 7-10 days,
12. Maternal immune system- pg. 1059. ABO incompatibility
13. Candidiasis exacerbation- pg. 1638 yeast like fungus in moist areas,
14. Carbuncles- pg. 1635 collection of infected hair follicles occurring usually at the back of the neck,
upper back, and lateral thighs
15. Terms such as hypochromic, macrocytic, microcytic, etc pg. 983 Ch 28
a. Hypochromic- lower hemoglobin content
b. Macrocytic- higher erythrocyte volume
c. Microcytic- lower erythrocyte volume
d. Hyperchromic- higher hemoglobin concentration
e. Normochromic- hemo concentration normal
f. Normocytic- normal erythrocyte concentration
16. Antibodies pg. 229-230 IgG- most abundant 80-85%, protective activity, IgA- normal body
secretions highest amount here, IgM- largest first produced in initial or primary response, early
in neonatal life, IgD- low concentrations, bcell antigen receptor, IgE least concentrated- mediator
of allergic responses
17. Skin cancer- pg. 1641. basal carcinoma and squamous cell carcinoma most common
18. Parts of the heart in terms of function Ch. 31 pg. 1085 pericardium- double wall membrane
around the heart, prevents displacement of the heart, physical barrier and contracts pain
receptors and mechanoreceptors that elicit changes to BP and heart rate
19. Congenital heart defects- pg. 1198 leading cause of death in the first year of life minus
prematurity. Etiology usually unknown.
20. Urinary tract obstruction- pg. 1341 Ch 38- interference with the flow of urine at any site along
the urinary tract
21. GI symptoms of conditions Ch. 41
a. pyloric stenosis- fullness, nausea, epigatric pain pg. 1430
b. hiatal hernia- asymptomatic, associated with GERd symptoms, dysphagia, epigastric pain
pg 1430
c. ulcerative colitis- watery diahhrea, bleeding and cramping, urge to poop, dehydration,
weight loss, anemia, and fever pg. 1442
22. Skin cancer lesions-pg. 1642 superficial, nodular, sclerosis/morpheaform, can be pigmented or
non pigmented.
23. Gastroesophageal reflux disease- pg, 1429 Ch 41- reflux of acid and pepsin from stomach, to the
esophagus, risk factors obesity, hiatal hernia, drugs or chemicals
24. Hypersensitivity reaction- pg. 263
a. Type 1 IgE mediated- immediate, products of mast cells, most common for allergies
b. Type 2 tissue specific- immediate, specific cell or tissue being the target of an immune
response, IgG and IgM, macrophages in tissues, complement participated frequently,
autoimmune thrombocytopenia purpura, graves, hemolytic anemia
c. Type 3 immune complex- immediate, IgG and IgM, Neutrophils, completment does
participate, systemic lupus

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NR-507 Study Guide 1. Types of immunity ch 7 & 8 a. Innate- natural epithelial barrier and inflammation the make innate resistance and protection pg. 191 b. Adaptive/ acquired- immune response or immunity, after innate and inflammation, i. Active (Acquired) -after natural exposure to an antigen or after immunization pg. 227 ii. Passive (Acquired)- preformed antibodies or t lymphocytes are transferred rom a donor to the recipient, maternal to fetus, or bone marrow transplant pg. 227 2. Alveolar ventilation/perfusion- pg. 1239 Ch 34 a. Ratio between the amount of air getting into the alveoli and the amount of blood being sent to the lungs. 3. Dermatologic conditions ch. 46 e.g. pityriasis rosea- benign self-limiting inflammatory disorder that occurs in young adults, with seasonal peaks spring and fall. Harmful in pregnancy. Associated with a virus, starts with a herald patch, circular. Salmon pink, and demarcated, usually on the trunk, acyclovir and erythromycin, and corticosteroid creams for itching. Should go away within a few months. 4. Croup- pg. 1294-1296 Viral, barking cough, winter and spring months, usually affects children 6 mo to 3 yrs, peak at 2 years old, stridor, and fever, 2-5 days. human parainfluenza viruses (HPIVs), RSV, viruses are airborne. Rest, humidity, and lots of fluids. Acute laryngotracheobronchitis 5. Types of anemia pg. 982-1102 C. 28 reduction of the total number of erythrocytes in the circulating blood or a decrease in the quality or quantity of he ...
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