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University of the Cumberlands
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Running head: SIEMENS CASE STUDY 1
Siemens Case Study
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Running head: SIEMENS CASE STUDY 1 Siemens Case Study Name Institutional Affiliation SIEMENS CASE STUDY 2 Siemens Case Study In the case study, Siemens CIO engaged with each of the regional leaders to create strategic CIOs who could make proactive technology related business decisions. In the past, CIOs had back-office responsibilities. In the new structure, CIOs stopped reporting to the CFOs and instead gained access from the President’s Council to create exposure and experience. The CIO wanted to create communities of practice to facilitate exposure and interaction between CIOs and executives at the company (Langer, 2017). The CIOs wanted to have an organizational learning infrastructure where senior management had a value proposition of learning with other members in the organization (Langer, 2017). The objective is to ensure members of the community are involved in decision making. CIOs are responsible for strategic integration of technology. The CIO was required to create communities that use tacit knowledge and create explicit knowledge on the use of technology (Langer, 2017). Moreover, the CIO needed to revalidate the role of IT in the organization. Siemens CIO wante ...
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