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ITN 266 NVCC Virtualization and Windows Server Installation Steps

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Computer Science
Northern Virginia Community College
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ITN 266: Network Security Layers
Northern Virginia Community College
Virtualization and Windows Server Installation Project
(100 points)
VirtualBox (or VMware)
Start VirtualBox by clicking Start, All Programs, Oracle VM VirtualBox, and selecting Oracle VM
VirtualBox. During the install, you’ll be prompted several times to install device software. This software is
needed for various virtual devices so should be installed. These are signed and the Publisher is identified
as Oracle Corporation. When the install completes, click Finish. VirtualBox will then start.
Create a VM (50 points)
You can use the following steps to create a virtual machine (VM) used for Windows Server 2016.
1. Click the New button on the menu bar. Review the information on the Welcome page and click Next.
2. Give your VM a name such as Windows Server 2016.
3. On the OS Type ensure that Microsoft Windows is select as the operating system. Select Windows 8 (64-
bit) as the Version. Click Next.
4. The default memory size is 1536. Change this to 2048 and click Next.
5. Accept the defaults on the Virtual Hard Disk page. This creates a new 20 GB hard disk that can be used
to boot (or start up) the VM. Click Next.
6. Accept the default of VDI (VirtualBox Disk Image) for the new virtual disk and click Next.
7. Accept the default of dynamically allocated for the virtual disk. Click Next.
8. On the Virtual Disk File Location and Size page, modify the size to 40 GB. If desired, you can change the
location by clicking the folder and browsing to a new location. Click Next.
9. On the Summary page, click Create.
After the VM is created, Virtual Box will look similar to the following graphic. Send your screenshots to
your instructor and/or upload them to Blackboard for credit.
It’s worthwhile stating the obvious here. At this point, this VM is empty. Even though it’s named Windows
Server 2016, it doesn’t have Windows Server 2016 installed yet. This is similar to you creating a file in
Word and naming it “My Plan for Success”. Just naming the file doesn’t add the contents.

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Attach the ISO to the VM
If you were installing this on a new computer, you’d put the DVD into the drive and boot to the DVD. You
simulate this by attaching the ISO image to the virtual CD/DVD drive. The following steps show this
1. Ensure the Windows Server 2016 VM Is selected and click Settings.
2. Select Storage. Click on Empty under IDE Controller.
3. In the Attributes section, click on the CD icon to the right of CD/DVD Drive.
4. Select Choose a virtual CD/DVD disk file.
5. Browse to the location where you saved the Windows DVD ISO file and select it. Click Open.
6. The IDE Controller will no longer be listed as Empty, but instead has the name of the ISO file. It should
look similar to the following graphic.
Installing Windows Server 2016 (50 points)
At this point, you should have the following:
VirtualBox installed
An empty VM created for Windows Server 2016
An ISO image file for Windows Server 2016 attached to the VM
You can use the following steps to install Windows Server 2016.
1. Select the Windows Server 2016 VM in VirtualBox and click Start.
2. Review the message on Auto Capture Keyboard and the host key and click OK. You will likely see one or
more additional messages. Review them and click OK.
3. When the Install screen appears, click Next. Click Install Now.
4. Select Server 2016 Beta Datacenter (Server with a GUI) and click next. The Server Core installation
includes a command prompt but not a graphical user interface (GUI).
5. Review the license terms, select the checkbox to accept the license terms, and click Next.
6. Select Custom: Install Windows only (advanced).
7. The 40 GB drive you created with the VM will be selected as Drive 0 Unallocated Space. Click Next.
8. The installation will begin and you won’t need to do anything else for a while. Now may be a good time to
take a break.
9. When prompted, enter a password for the Administrator account in the Password and Retype password

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ITN 266: Network Security Layers Northern Virginia Community College Virtualization and Windows Server Installation Project (100 points) VirtualBox (or VMware) Start VirtualBox by clicking Start, All Programs, Oracle VM VirtualBox, and selecting Oracle VM VirtualBox. During the install, you’ll be prompted several times to install device software. This software is needed for various virtual devices so should be installed. These are signed and the Publisher is identified as Oracle Corporation. When the install completes, click Finish. VirtualBox will then start. Create a VM (50 points) You can use the following steps to create a virtual machine (VM) used for Windows Server 2016. 1. Click the New button on the menu bar. Review the information on the Welcome page and click Next. 2. Give your VM a name such as Windows Server 2016. 3. On the OS Type ensure that Microsoft Windows is select ...
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