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Management Case Study

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Management Case Study
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Management Case Study
Principle Reason for Economic Stagnation in Bangladesh
After the world war and attaining independence, Bangladesh went into an economic
stagnation period due to various reasons. One is that the country's leadership was corrupt
(Hill, 2008). There were a lot of poor government and dysfunctional institutions. There was
rampant abuse of power and misuse of public resources in leadership positions. Instead of
fostering economic development, the money was used for other non-necessary or personal
projects. The other principal reason was political instability (Hill, 2008). There was a natural
tendency that the government would collapse from rampant competition between the main
political parties used in the country by then. Individuals and governments lived in a state of
unrest, and thus, economic activities and projects were not highly prioritized.
Bangladesh was and is still a nation full of national calamities. Several cyclones and
hurricanes had disastrous effects imparting pressure on the national economy (Hill, 2008).
Although these calamities still happen to date, their impacts have been controlled in a way.
These natural calamities played a part in poor infrastructure in Bangladesh (Hill, 2008). Most
houses were built above water, thus making it difficult to build modern infrastructures. The
population was the other reason for the economic stagnation. The births and growth rate of
the Bangladesh population were still high. Thus, enormous environmental pressure on
available resources in return limited agricultural growth and food grain production.
Liberalization Program
During the 1990s, Bangladesh came up with policies programs to help them begin
economic success. One of the Liberalization programs used by Bangladesh was through
making their currency convertible (Hill, 2008). It referred to how easily their money would
be converted to other currencies. Currency conversion involves cash being used for all

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1 Management Case Study Student's Name Institutional Affiliation Name Of Course Instructor's Name Due Date 2 Management Case Study Principle Reason for Economic Stagnation in Bangladesh After the world war and attaining independence, Bangladesh went into an economic stagnation period due to various reasons. One is that the country's leadership was corrupt (Hill, 2008). There were a lot of poor government and dysfunctional institutions. There was rampant abuse of power and misuse of public resources in leadership positions. Instead of fostering economic development, the money was used for other non-necessary or personal projects. The other principal reason was political instability (Hill, 2008). There was a natural tendency that the government would collapse from rampant competition between the main political parties used in the country by then. Individuals and governments lived in a state of unrest, and thus, economic activities and projects were not highly prioritized. Bangladesh was and is still a nation full of national calamities. Several cyclones and hurricanes had disastrous effects imparting pressure on the national economy (Hill, 2008). Although these calamities still h ...
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