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The Milky Way And The Sun.edited

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City Colleges of Chicago-Harold Washington College
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The Milky Way and the Sun

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The use of representative examples in science takes into account the prominent features of the
object in the study (Michelle, 2020). The representativeness depends upon the aggregate to
which the subject body has the characteristics of the term in study or at least a majority of
those characteristics. In other words, the representative is a generalization of the aspects of
the subject. For instance, the term star in science could mean any object that produces light
independently. For example, in the Milky Way, the term star applies solely to the Sun being
the only body with the characteristics of a star (O'Neill, 2020).
The representative also ignores specific features that may give some difference to the
entire bodies of study. The utility of the representative is ignorant of special features that
make the subject unique to others that fall into its category (Gustafsson, 2008). For instance,
the use of the term star to represent the Sun generalizes the whole idea without giving room
to the Sun's unique features that other stars do not subscribe, thereby misleading a reader who
is keen about the distinctiveness of the Sun. The words Sun and star may not be used
interchangeably in the case of the Milky System, thus making the generalization an
understatement. While the Sun produces light independently, it would be imperative if other
characteristics may differentiate it from others be studied.
The Sun has specific features that include being the only star with a life-supporting
planet revolving around it, albeit no contradiction has been established by further research.
Until another star is found to be life-supporting, then the Sun will cease to be average.
Moreover, other stars blink while the Sun, which falls in their category, seems not to blink at
least to the human eye. The Sun also exists solely in its solar system, contravening
knowledge of many stars that exist near each other in their systems within the Milky Way.
Furthermore, according to NASA, there could be even bigger stars (Gustafsson, 2008);
thereby, the Sun may not be average. The use of representative examples in studying

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Running Head: THE MILKY WAY AND THE SUN The Milky Way and the Sun Name Institution 1 THE MILKY WAY AND THE SUN 2 The use of representative examples in science takes into account the prominent features of the object in the study (Michelle, 2020). The representativeness depends upon the aggregate to which the subject body has the characteristics of the term in study or at least a majority of those characteristics. In other words, the representative is a generalization of the aspects of the subject. For instance, the term “star” in science could mean any object that produces light independently. For example, in the Milky Way, the term star applies solely to the Sun being the only body with the characteristics of a star (O'Neill, 2020). The representative also ignores specific features that may give some difference to the entire bodies of study. The utility of the representative is ignorant of special features that make the subject unique to others that fall into its category (Gustafsson, 2008). For instance, the use of the term star to represent the Sun generalizes the whole idea without giving room to the Sun's unique features that other stars do not subscribe, thereby misl ...
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