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Running head: THE EBOLA VIRUS 1
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The Ebola virus
The Ebola Virus Disease (EVD) is a rare but severe and often fatal illness in human beings.
The disease having significant initial or late symptoms affects individuals in different ways (Polz-
Dacewicz, 2015). Known as Ebola hemorrhagic fever is significantly transmitted to human beings
from wild animals and has significant human to human transmission. It forms the Key focus in the
final scope, which would help understand the disease more in-depth and offer solutions that would
help in dealing with it and creating significant value in the long-run.
Causing microbe
Ebola is a severe and evenly fatal disease both to human and non-human primates. Its
significant origin is mainly derived from an infection with a virus originating from the Filoviridae
family. The genus Ebolavirus hosts the significant primary microbe that causes the disease.
Mode of infection
The primary infection points within humans are physical contact of infected body fluids,
where the most infectious is blood, while other fluids such as feces and vomit significantly transmit
the same through human contact.
Mode of spread
The disease is spread through human-to-human contact, where it may involve broken skin,
mucus membranes. It's mainly through the blood and body fluids of an infected individual, or a
person has died from the same disease (Chen, Wen & Geng, 2018). Additionally, items that may
have become contaminated from other body fluids such as blood or vomit of an infected person.

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Running head: THE EBOLA VIRUS 1 THE EBOLA VIRUS Name of student Institution Affiliation Course Due Date THE EBOLA VIRUS 2 The Ebola virus The Ebola Virus Disease (EVD) is a rare but severe and often fatal illness in human beings. The disease having significant initial or late symptoms affects individuals in different ways (PolzDacewicz, 2015). Known as Ebola hemorrhagic fever is significantly transmitted to human beings from wild animals and has significant human to human transmission. It forms the Key focus in the final scope, which would help understand the disease more in-depth and offer solutions that would help in dealing with it and creating significant value in the long-run. Causing microbe Ebola is a severe and evenly fatal disease both to human and non-human primates. Its significant origin is mainly derived from an infection with a virus originating from the Filoviridae family. The genus Ebolavirus hosts the significant primary microbe that causes the disease. Mode of infection The primary infection points within humans are physical contact of infected body fluids, where the most infectious is blood, while other fluids such as feces and vomit significantly transmit the same through human contact. Mode of spread The disease is spread through human-to-human contact, where it may involve broken skin, mucus membranes. It's mainly through the blood and body fluids of an infected individual, or a person has died from the same disease (Chen, Wen & Geng, 2018). Additi ...
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