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NURS 325|Complex / Doris Turner Med Math Questions
complete solutions, Summer 2020/2021
1. Problem type: IV infusion rate + infusion pump
Medication: azithromycin
Suppose Mrs. Turner’s orders call for 500 mg of azithromycin to be administered
intravenously for community-acquired pneumonia. The solution has been diluted to a
concentration of 2 mg/mL and needs to be administered over 1 hour.
At what rate should the infusion pump be set?
Start by figuring out how many milliliters will be needed to administer the ordered dose.
1. Determine how many milliliters of the concentration will be delivered to administer
the ordered dose.
500 mg x 1 mL = 250 mL
2 mg
2. Divide the total number of mL needed to deliver the 500 mg by the expected
duration of 1 hour.
250 mL = 250 mL/hr
1 hr
Number: 250
Units / Rate: mL/hr

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2. Problem type: Dosage calculation + Stock on hand
Medication: venlafaxine
Mrs. Turner’s daily medications include venlafaxine extended-release, 150 mg, by
mouth, once a day. However, the hospital pharmacy only carries 75 mg
extended-release tablets.
How many tablets of venlafaxine extended-release should be administered to her?
You can use the equation below, where X is the number of tablets that should be
D (ordered dose) x Quantity = X
H (dose on hand)
1. Determine what information you have.
D (ordered dose) = 150 mg
H (dose on hand) = 75 mg
Q (quantity) = 1 tablet
2. Plug into the equation and solve.
D (150 mg) x 1 tablet = X
H (75 mg)
X = 2 tablets
Number: 2
Units: tablets

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NURS 325|Complex / Doris Turner Med Math Questions complete solutions, Summer 2020/2021 1. Problem type: IV infusion rate + infusion pump Medication: azithromycin PROBLEM Suppose Mrs. Turner’s orders call for 500 mg of azithromycin to be administered intravenously for community-acquired pneumonia. The solution has been diluted to a concentration of 2 mg/mL and needs to be administered over 1 hour. At what rate should the infusion pump be set? HINT Start by figuring out how many milliliters will be needed to administer the ordered dose. SAMPLE SOLUTION 1. Determine how many milliliters of the concentration will be delivered to administer the ordered dose. 500 mg x 1 mL = 250 mL 2 mg 2. Divide the total number of mL needed to deliver the 500 mg by the expected duration of 1 hour. 250 mL = 250 mL/hr 1 hr ANSWER Number: 250 Units / Rate: mL/hr 2. Problem type: Dosage calculation + Stock on hand Medication: venlafaxine PROBLEM Mrs. Turner’s daily medications include venlafaxine extended-release, 150 mg, by mouth, once a day. However, the hospital pharmacy only carries 75 mg extended-release tablets. How many tablets of venlafaxine extended-release should be administered to her? HINT You can use the equation below, where X is the number of tablets that should be administered. D (ordered dose) x Quantity = X H (dose on hand) SAMPLE SOLUTION 1. Determine what information you have. D (ordered dose) = 150 mg H (dose on hand) = 75 mg Q (quantity) = 1 tablet 2. Plug into the equa ...
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