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Jason Case Study Reflection

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Jason's Case Study Reflection Paper
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Jason's Case Study Reflection Paper
Risk and Protective Factors
Risk factors tend to increase the likelihood of children experiencing adverse outcomes in
the future, such as poor social skills and low birth weight (Department of Correctional Services,
2007). On the other hand, protective factors are those factors that have an opposite effect on risk
factors in that they minimize the probability of future negative outcomes. Protective factors
shield children from the effects of risk factors such as social skills and a positive school
Jason's Risk and Protective Factors
His laziness could make him not achieve his goals in the future while having a father-
figure who has a criminal background could also affect him. He is also slightly overweight,
which carries the risk of developing future health complications. One of Jason's protective
factors is his attachment to his family as he claims that he loves both his mother and
grandmother the same despite their conflicts. His involvement in sports activities could create
new opportunities for him.
Family's risk and corresponding protective factors
Physical abuse is one of the family's risk factors. It has been said that Jason's
grandmother and stepfather have punched him on the face on different occasions. There are
better alternative ways of disciplining a child. The conflict between his mother and his
grandmother is unhealthy for Jason as it might affect him psychologically.
The family protective factors in Jason's life include good housing that he gets at his
grandmother's home. His living conditions are good since his grandmother's house seems well
equipped and appealing. His grandmother is also caring and supportive since she made him join

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1 Jason's Case Study – Reflection Paper Student's Name Institutional Affiliation Course Instructor Due Date 2 Jason's Case Study – Reflection Paper Risk and Protective Factors Risk factors tend to increase the likelihood of children experiencing adverse outcomes in the future, such as poor social skills and low birth weight (Department of Correctional Services, 2007). On the other hand, protective factors are those factors that have an opposite effect on risk factors in that they minimize the probability of future negative outcomes. Protective factors shield children from the effects of risk factors such as social skills and a positive school environment. Jason's Risk and Protective Factors His laziness could make him not achieve his goals in the future while having a fatherfigure who has a criminal background could also affect him. He is also slightly overweight, which carries the risk of developing future health complications. One of Jason's protective factors is his attachment to his family as he claims that he loves both his mother and grandmother the same despite their conflicts. His involvement in sports activities could create new opportunities for him. Family's risk and corresponding protective factors Physical abuse is one of the family's risk factors. It has been said that Jason's grandmother and stepfather have punched him on the face on different occasions. There are better alternative ways of disciplining a child. The conflict between his mother and his ...
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